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Book Review: A Theology of the Family

With roughly the same amount of pages as Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology, A Theology of the Family is a daunting book by its sheer size and volume. On the squashable bug meter, this rates five spiders out of five. It’s big. And yet, the book is a fantastic resource that, if read in small doses, … Read more

Beth Moore Predicts God Will Unite All Sectors of Christendom

Pulpit & Pen has been covering evangelical darling, Beth Moore, for quite some time. While taking a lot of heat last year for claiming that God gave her a vision that Christians and Roman Catholics would be united, she has kept her head low and gone under the radar. Moore has been criticized for embracing … Read more

Tavner Smith: God is spirit, can’t do anything on earth without a body.

In one of the most ridiculous, blasphemous sermons I’ve ever heard preached in my entire life, Tavner Smith, pastor of Venue Church, says that God has no legal authority to do anything on earth. He says that because God is spirit, he can’t fix anything in the world without man. He compares God to a … Read more

The Beck Lies: Mormon Leads Prayer to False God at Ted Cruz Campaign Office

“I have prayed for the next George Washington. I believe I have found him (in Ted Cruz).”  Glenn Beck The Iowa caucuses are nigh.  On Monday February 1st, voters in Iowa will gather together to decide what Republican and Democratic candidates to put forth for the 2016 presidential election.  The final poll before Monday’s caucuses … Read more

Ben Carson's SDA America

There was a time, up until recently, that I actually liked Ben Carson. Certainly not for his religious views, as he is a cult member, but for his political views. I liked him as a political candidate. He has strong conservative views on various issues, including abortion, tax laws, immigration, etc. that I agree with … Read more

Fanning the Flames of Dominionism: Ted Cruz Officially Endorsed by Mike Bickle

“My soul,wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.” Psalm 62:5 Earlier this month, the Pulpit & Pen explored the dominionist ties of Texas Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz and his father Rafael. Those ties were confirmed yesterday as the Cruz campaign announced that Mr. Cruz had been endorsed by … Read more

3,568,395 Reasons Why Russell Moore Matters

The average pew-sitting Southern Baptist knows next to nothing, if anything at all, about Russell Moore. Moore, the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) is a relatively obscure figure among rank-and-file evangelicals. He and his organization operate quietly in the background of greater evangelicalism while big-name megapastors … Read more

Lotz, Jeffress, Barton, Beck – WVW Covers It

Recently, Pulpit & Pen broke two stories covering Anne Graham Lotz, and her promotion of a Jewish mystic as an example of how Christians should pray, and the new TBN television series with David Barton and Glenn Beck starting this month. Our popular guest poster, Brandon Hines’ article gets plenty of airtime. See the articles … Read more

Pseudo-Historian David Barton Joins Mormon Glenn Beck on New TBN Series

Widely discredited faux historian and seductive propagandist, David Barton, of Wallbuilders, along with his co-conspirator, Glenn Beck, are now joining TBN for a weekly series titled “Foundations of Freedom.” Barton, who pushes a politically right-wing form of Christianity at the expense of historical truthfulness, is widely known for his disproven book, Jefferson Lies, which was subsequently … Read more

On False Teachers: Why We Insist on One Degree of Separation

What did they say when you warned them about the Kansas City Prophets and the New Apostolic Reformation and all the wicked things that happen there? What did they say when you told them about the death of Bethany Deaton and cover-up by IHOP and allegations of cult-like mind control? What did they say when … Read more

Ted Cruz Appears at Evangelical-Backed Political Event with John Hagee and David Barton

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;” Philippians 3:20 While the Evangelical Intelligentsia are falling all over themselves to promote Roman Catholic GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio and curb the enthusiasm of candidate Donald Trump’s evangelical supporters, another spectrum of evangelical power brokers are getting familiar with Southern … Read more

Top Ten Pulpit & Pen Posts of 2015, by views

This post should not be confused with the Top Ten SBC Stories of 2015. That post covered the top ten stories, in my subjective opinion, that were conveniently overlooked by the Baptist Press and the amen corner of the blogosphere. This post recalls the top ten posts at Pulpit & Pen in 2015, by views. … Read more

Abortuary Deathscorts: How Do Their Families Justify This?

The Gestapo furnace escorts had families, too…and I’m sure their families were proud of the men (and women) they became. I can hear it now: “Just got mixed up with the wrong crowd. It was all their superiors’ faults that they ended up, you know, facilitating the murder of thousands of Jews. Little Heinrich was … Read more

These Bible Belt Police Ignore Their Oaths and Oppress the Innocent

Pulpit & Pen called your attention last week to the situation at the child sacrifice center in Norman, OK, where the city’s police department has, in a very real de facto sense, renounced the oaths they have taken to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law and to protect and serve the innocent. Multiple … Read more

Pittsburgh Seminary Professor: “Dump Trump, Choose Cruz!”

The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) has been feigning over Roman Catholic Marco Rubio and praising him for his stance on a multitude of issues. They have all but officially endorsed his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. While the ERLC has been vehemently opposed to Donald Trump, it seems as though some of the … Read more