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Video: Man Confronts Teacher Who Put His Grandson in a Dress

Although the teacher and preschool have yet to be identified, video footage of a grandfather confronting them over putting his grandson in a dress has been circulating in social media over the last few days. Irate leftists have posted the video, originally shared by the grandfather, to demonstrate his homophobia and bigotry. Others have applauded … Read more

More Plagiarism from Christine Caine

[Churchwatch Central] Warren Throckmorton brings to light more evidence of plagiarism by Christine Caine… “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17 Warren writes: Recently Christian motivational author Christine Caine settled a lawsuit with Christian author Carey Scott … Read more

Bill Johnson Encourages Church to Find “Romance” With God

Speaking on Christ’s letter to Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7, Bill Johnson claims that “All structure is supposed to come out of romance.” He extrapolated Revelation 2:4, “But this I have against you, that you have abandoned your first love,” and equated it to romantic intimacy. The key of the Christian life is a “freshness” and … Read more

Robert Gagnon: Concerns With the upcoming Revoice Conference and “Spiritual Friendship Folk”

[Editor’s Note: This is a weird post. First, it’s a re-post from Douglas Wilson at Blog and Mablog, which is a re-post from Dr. Robert Gagnon. We have occasionally run Gagnon’s Facebook posts – which are often lengthy and astute – with permission. We are running this with Wilson’s commentary without permission, and hope he … Read more

Celebrating the Faith of Confederate General, Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Forrest was not a man that Samuel Montgomery wanted his niece to marry. In the early 1840’s when this young Tennessean appeared in Hernando, Mississippi to court Mary Ann Montgomery, her Uncle Sam tried to discourage him. Mary Ann’s father had died and Samuel, a Presbyterian minister, was her closest male guardian, and … Read more

Cracking the Insidious Code Part IV: John Piper’s Self-Absorbed God

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series John Piper - Desiring God

John Piper’s theology of God, which has been widely read for years as it was circulated in his book Desiring God (1986), is his imaginative idea alone, and not biblical.  In Piper’s words, his theology proper is “The bedrock foundation of Christian Hedonism,” (DG p31). The bedrock aspect to which he refers is the self-enjoyment … Read more

Christmas Series: Should You Display a Nativity Set this Christmas? Part I.

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

If you like the Christmas baby Jesus best, your home might be littered with Nativity sets. Is this a good or Biblical practice? I was once preaching outside the Catedral da Sé de São Paulo in Brazil, exhorting the worshippers to forsake their graven images and believe the Gospel. I went into a nearby icon shop to … Read more

Major Theological Error in SBC’s Statement on Immigration

You didn’t eat any forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It was Adam. It was Eve. It wasn’t you. You didn’t do it. Yet, you are suffering the consequences of the offense of your first parents. The Apostle Paul made this clear in his Epistle to the Romans: “Therefore, just as through one man … Read more

Setting the Record Straight: Brannon Howse Lies About Justin Peters

Unless your head has been under a blanket for the last couple of months, you’ve heard about the controversy between Brannon Howse and Dr. James White regarding the interfaith dialogue between White and Islamic radical, Yasir Qhadi. Well, Brannon Howse goes through friends like diapers. He wears them for a while, dirties them up, then … Read more

The Myth of the Good Freemason

This entry is part 10 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

“…many tenets and teachings of Freemasonry are not compatible with Christianity or Southern Baptist doctrine.” NAMB By what standard do you call a man “good?”  Think about the answer to that question before you continue reading. Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity.  Pastors who are familiar with the Craft are well aware of this.  For this … Read more

The Self-Deceived Conference “Christian”

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  Acts 2:42 There is little argument that the post-modern persona of the “church” has been grotesquely deformed from what the first-century bride of Christ looked like.  The church has been prostituted.  Her visible face is no … Read more

Touch Not My Anointed

Whenever a post like this goes public, I’m usually only a few hours away from a slew of family phone calls and text messages commanding me not to “touch the Lord’s anointed” lest I experience an array of divine judgments. This type of charismatic gag order resembles more of a mafia mentality than the heart of … Read more