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Dear Woke Evangelicals, Now Your Homies Are Coming for Monuments to Luther

America’s Woke Religionists have been cheering the destruction of monuments to Confederate leaders, most of whom – like General Forrest, General Lee, and General Jackson – came to repudiate slavery and lived exemplary Christian lives. But wokeness is strong in leftwing Christianity, especially in the Neo-Reformed branch associated with groups funded by dark-money donations from … Read more

Christian Monuments Now Being Vandalized in Name of “Pagan Justice”

Justice! Justice! Justice! Such is the shout of a lost world full of chest-thumping God-haters, Babel-builders, and ark-knockers who should be pleading for grace rather than justice (and if the Biblical allusions evade you, bless your heart). Sadly, even evangelical virtue-twerkers are out shouting the slogans of Woke Religionists, taking part in their version of … Read more

Militant Butch Lady Preacher Says White Hymn-Writers Never Experienced Suffering

In November of 2018, Jackie Hill Perry tweeted out that the Gospel did not belong to the “white man.” I tweeted out the obvious; neither is Christianity the exclusive property of militant, butch black women. The Internet then exploded. I haven’t been back to Twitter since. Apparently, militant butch black women can say any horrendous … Read more

Tim Challies Caves on Homosexuality: Says He’s “Deliberately Evasive” on its Sinfulness

Aligning yourself with The Gospel Coalition has proven time and again to be the death-rattle of orthodox evangelicals. Not long after cozying up to the dark-money leftist organization that masquerades as a ministry, most TGC acolytes eventually cave on important social issues. And sadly, this is true with Tim Challies. In a Q&A session that … Read more

Christians Are Not Capable of ‘Feelin’ the Bern’

Bernie Sanders

If you are a new creation, the old thieving, lying, bullying, baby-killing, state-worshipping ways are gone. But that is not what the leftists at The Gospel Coalition seem to think. TGC is once again trying to turn voting for Democrats into a disputable issue. In a new article entitled “We Need Prophets, Not Partisans,” Brett McCracken … Read more

As SBC Entities Focus Exclusively on Social Justice, They Can’t Figure Out Why Baptisms Are Down

The Democratic Party keeps running radically liberal candidates for president and can’t figure out why they keep losing. And so, they double-down with even more extreme leftists thinking, “That’s the trick.” Fail. Again. But that’s how liberals think. They double-down on their problem, thinking that’s the solution. For several years, thanks to the liberal influences … Read more

The Southern Baptist Convention is Wicked, and God Hates It

Albert Mohler

I awoke this morning and saw the polemics headlines coming out of the unofficial but more successful versions of the Baptist Press, Reformation Charlotte and Capstone Report. Blissfully unaware of most headlines reported on during my weekly Sabbath rest, I opened my eyes to see the following: SBC Pastor’s Conference speaker’s church does Satanic choreographed … Read more

ERLC Official Says to Vote Pro-Choice Democrat Over Trump

A contributor to the Southern Baptist’s lobbying arm is telling Christians in the WaPo that God wants them to vote pro-choice Democrat over Donald Trump in the next election. Southern Baptists own the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the political lobbying arm that is daily opposing President Trump and which is run by a … Read more

Study Shows Calvinist / Reformed Pastors More Likely to Approve of Gay Marriage Than Others

The heresy-peddling retail outlet for the Southern Baptist Convention, Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, has released a poll demonstrating a huge upswing in the percentage of mainline Protestant pastors who approve of sodomy-based marriages. The survey demonstrates a surge from 32% approval for gay marriage in this group in 2010 up to 47% in 2020. The study … Read more

Liberal Evangelical Overlords Come Unglued

This week our Evangelical Overlords seemingly lined up to expose themselves as malicious leftists, one after another. Here are just a handful of observations: Well-known Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) / The Gospel Coalition (TGC) leader, Ray Ortlund, praised Mitt Romney for voting to convict Trump. Another ERLC/TGC writer (and former Obama staffer!) published … Read more

Cultural Marxism Video at ERLC Website Butchers Scripture to Promote Division

A new video posted at the website of the Democratic Wing of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), ruthlessly butchers the Scripture to promote its Cultural Marxist agenda. Featuring Mika Edmonson, a radical leftist who is a contributor to the Gospel Coalition and regularly promotes racial division, the video makes … Read more

Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians

Today Founders Ministries began a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice. It assesses a political and theological battle dividing the PCA and now affecting the Southern Baptist Convention. Churches and denominations continue to divide on how to handle the topic of Same-Sex-Attraction. In recent months, Pulpit & Pen writers have contributed to the discussion by bringing … Read more

Bethel Church ‘Dead Raising Team’ Fails to Save 2-Year-Old

In spite of having a dead-raising team who specialize in bringing the deceased back to life, Bethel Church was unable to resurrect a two-year-old despite repeated pleas for help from a leader of their church and music performance team. Jenn Johnson, who heads up Bethel Music and is a regular preacher at Bethel Church (pastored … Read more

Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor with Biblical Views on Same-Sex Attraction

By this point, almost everyone knows that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, free from the conservatism of Paige Patterson and newly staffed by an army of Social Justice drones from Albert Mohler’s Southern Seminary, fired Dr. Robert Lopez because he kept preaching that God would change the desires of homosexuals if they’re born again. Dr. Lopez … Read more