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Why Flat Earth is Stupid

In the plot of the movie, Idiocracy (which I don’t recommend), the human race gets gradually dumber until it reaches a level of functional retardation. While the film is crass and comedic, there is truth to the premise. Humanity is not getting smarter. Pick up virtually any book from the English-speaking world printed in the … Read more

P&P Places Chick-fil-A Bounty on More Info Regarding ‘Wokeness’ of SBC Leaders

You might have heard this week of a courageous student at Southeastern Baptist Theological seminary who made available audio recordings of Danny Akin, president at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, calling Beth Moore “stupid” and “dumb.” Akin, not knowing he was being recorded, spoke candidly about Beth Moore’s recent tirades against Complementarianism. You can read about … Read more

Commentary: Enough of the Evangelical SJW Twitter Orgy

Self-righteousness is repulsive, and it’s on parade over at Twitter from the accounts of evangelical Social Justice Warriors. If only they could see what we see in their ongoing, endless, self-congratulatory and virtue-signaling back-slaps, they would quit it. It’s as gross as what probably happens at Jonathan Merritt’s house on the weekends. Obviously, we don’t … Read more

Evangelical SJWs and LGBT Successfully Teamed Up to Get Tech Giants to ‘Demonetize” P&P

Social Justice Warriors associated with The Gospel Coalition and ‘woke’ evangelicalism have teamed up with the LGBT lobby to get tech giants, Google and Amazon, to demonetize Pulpit & Pen by flagging it as ‘hate speech.’ Pulpit & Pen is not the first conservative news and/or commentary outlet to be censored by the technocracy. Praeger … Read more

Gospel Coalition Contributor Begs Facebook to Ban Pulpit & Pen

The Gospel Coalition is a leftist political organization designed to infiltrate evangelical churches and change the demographic’s voting patterns, and it’s funded by progressive dark money. Its Council Members are largely responsible for the Great Awokening of Social Justice activism and the promotion of Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology within evangelicalism. Heck, TGC ran … Read more

Millennials: Asking for Censorship is Conceding the Argument

Those who promote Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and Black Liberation Theology should grasp the concept of basic civil liberties. Supposedly, they seek equality, and it is therefore incumbent upon them to understand the importance of the individual’s right to thought and expression. If their ideas had merit, however, they would not so quickly seek … Read more

Is The Gospel Coalition Editor, Joe Carter, a Shameless Racist?

In a shocking turn of events, three-year-old words from Joe Carter have resurfaced that self-impugn him of racism. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization designed to infiltrate evangelicalism for the sake of pushing the demographic leftward. Carter is also the ‘Communications Specialist’ at the SBC’s wildly progressive Ethics and … Read more

Why Racial Reparations Are Anti-Gospel

Ron Burns is a Black Nationalist, which is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. In 1988, Burns was drawn to Islam because of its identification with the Black Nationalist Movement. Burn’s family, especially his brother, had a history of violence against police and racism against white people. After supposedly converting … Read more

Helping People Escape the Evangelical Black Ghetto

The ghetto was a term originally used in Italy to refer to parts of Venice occupied by Jews as a result of social ostracization. Over the course of the 20th Century, however, the term came to describe the dilapidated parts of any city that are predominately occupied by the economically underprivileged. Often times the term, … Read more

Phil Johnson Digs In…But is Still Wrong.

I appreciate Phil Johnson attempting to do what no others have done, which is to try to defend perceived inconsistencies of Dallas Statement signers for criticizing Social Justice and marking it as grievous teaching while refusing to mark its proponents and continuing to partner with them. All others, up to this point, have flatly rejected … Read more