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Vouching for Kyle J Howard

Author’s Note:  Last week, a controversial tweet was sent from the Pulpit & Pen twitter account which included a cartoon caricature of Kyle Howard.  This post was planned in advance of that tweet and is unrelated to its submission or the negative reaction it received.   Kyle J. Howard is a self-described “racial trauma” counselor. To his credit, … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Says Comparing Abortion and Slavery is Sin

As Kyle J Howard descends into the utter pit of despair and madness, spiraling down, down, down until he’s a rambling mess of jitters and PTSD, rocking back and forth muttering, “racist…trauma…racist…trauma…racist….trauma” over and over again as his brain has continued to burble forth brilliantly unorthodox ideas, it has not stopped him from tweeting out … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Calls all his Critics ‘Racists’ and ‘White Supremacists”

Kyle J. Howard has mercifully, explicitly stated what he has so far in his social media journet only hinted at: that his critics are straight-up racist and white supremacists. It could not be that his critics have legitimate grievances with some of the things he’s done or falsely professed to have done, such as: Lying … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Voting For Biden – Says Being Pro-Choice And Voting Democrat Isn’t THAT Bad

Kyle J. Howard went on one of the more morally repugnant and biblically faithless rants on social media yesterday, making several cases that can pretty much be summarized as “I’m voting for Biden because he’s not as bad as Trump, and there’s nothing wrong with voting Democrats because they actually want to reduce abortion, and … Read more

Unsurprisingly, Kyle J. Howard Believes The Babylon Bee Is Racist

Kyle J. Howard, racial provocateur of questionably Crips-ish background, blessed our hearts three weeks ago when he announced that he was retiring from Twitter due to the trauma that participating there was causing him. We thought at the time his 10-tweet blaze-of-glory-do-not-go-gently-into-the-good-night exit was the right move for him and everyone else in his sphere … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Announces Retirement from Twitter: And All God’s People Said “Amen!”

Blaming racists, micro-aggressions, and meany-pants Christians, privileged professional student and victimologist, Kyle J. Howard, has announced his retirement from Twitter. We first brought to you highlights of Kyle J. Howard after he claimed he was too afraid of James White to be in a room alone with him (ostensibly because James White is a dangerous … Read more

To Our Black Readers: Kyle Howard and the Florida-Georgia Line

Dear Black Readers, Until recently the worst thing I could think of when I considered the border between my state of residence and the Sunshine State to the south was the deplorable “bro country” music group Florida Georgia Line. Now it’s Kyle J. Howard. Evangelical Twitter’s resident race-baiting “racial trauma counselor” recently made the wild … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Says Super Bowl Performers Acted Whorishly Because They’re Latina

Kyle J. Howard, a privileged professional student who was raised in a high-income white home in an affluent suburb has become an outspoken commentator thanks to high-profile supporters like Beth Moore and Russell Moore. Howard, who lied about being in a secret gang in high school, calls himself a “racial trauma counselor” despite there being … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘Racial Trauma’ Made Him Fat

Kyle J. Howard, who is the chattel property of Beth Moore and the Evangelical Industrial Complex, says that racial trauma over the last two years has made him fat. Howard is a professional student and community organizer who was raised in an affluent Atlanta suburb by two attorney parents. Howard happens to be as much … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Angry that Black Family Forgave White Woman

Liberals are outraged that a man forgave his brother’s murderer, and that the two were able to reconcile with a hug in the courtroom. The news from yesterday has most of us wiping a tear from our eye. After entering the wrong apartment and shooting an innocent man, Amber Guyger was found guilty and sentenced … Read more

Beth Moore’s Daughter, Kyle J. Howard Weep/Rejoice Pulpit & Pen Censored by Twitter

Social Justice advocates who have abandoned the Gospel for social religion, Beth Moore’s daughter and (fake ex-gang member) Kyle J. Howard, rejoiced with weeping and praised God for the censorship of Pulpit & Pen by the tech giant, Twitter. Niko Kampouris, whose Twitter profile links a Christian and Artist Collective (and ostensibly, a skinny jean … Read more

Kyle J. Howard: The GOP is the Party of “White Supremacy”

Former Southern Seminary student and “racial trauma counselor,” Kyle J. Howard – a friend and advocate of such figures as Russell Moore and Beth Moore – claims that while the Democratic Party may be the party of abortion, the Republican party is the party of White Supremacy. Born to two attorney parents in a high-income … Read more