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Church of England Apologizes for Saying Only Married Straight People Should Have Sex

[The Christian Post] Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu have apologized for a decree issued by the Church of England which said that only heterosexual married couples should have sex and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships “falls short of God’s purpose for human beings.” “We as Archbishops, alongside the … Read more

Myth Busters Star Says Republicans Are ‘Calvinist S#!% Bags’

Former “Mythbusters” co-host, Adam Savage, took to Twitter to express his outrage with Republican Senators, calling them “Calvinist s#!%bags.” His Tweet reads: “GOP” members of the Senate, you unconscionable, pathetic, spineless, hypocritical, lickspittle, death rattle of a racist patriarchal Calvinist shitbags. May all your teeth fall out but one. And in that one may you … Read more

Joe Thorn Praises Beth Moore, Attacks John MacArthur, Says It’s a ‘Sin’ to Read Discernment Blogs

Joe Thorn, who pretends to be a “Reformed” pastor, tries to demonstrate his commitment to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith by having tattooed it on his ground-dragging knuckles. In reality, Thorn’s commitment to the Reformed faith seems as deep as the tattoo itself, as he regularly defends the most outrageously unbiblical teachers … Read more

Beth Moore Says People Against Social Justice Have “Nuts in a Jar”

Beth Moore turned heads today when on Twitter she gave her regular daily dose of crazy (her tweets are increasingly bizarre). A jar of nuts. The woman is literally insane. Those pushing the Marxist trend of “social justice” are quick to accuse traditional, freedom-loving Americans of not caring about justice. It is stunning that they … Read more

Baptist Pastor Says Counseling Gays is ‘Barbaric and Deadly’

A Kentucky Baptist pastor has claimed in an op-ed in the Courier Journal that an attempt to counsel homosexuals who are struggling with their unnatural sexual desires is “barbaric and deadly.” Jason Crosby is the young pastor of Crescent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville, which is a member of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Association … Read more

ERLC Leftist Complains Social Media Empowers ‘Fundamentalists’

Leftists in the “woke” evangelical movement have been throwing a hissy fit for weeks about Christians being allowed to express their views in social media, desiring the tech giants shut down free speech and opposing points of view. Yesterday, woke Social Gospel queen, Beth Moore, went on a Twitter tirade against social media for letting … Read more

YouTube Says Video About Marxist Takeover of Evangelicalism is “Hate Speech”

Technocracies are increasingly controlling the conversation, censoring particularly impactful videos, posts, and articles that expose leftist schemes to takeover American institutions. This trend is seen most recently in YouTube taking down a video from Christian ministry organization, Worldview Weekend, which focused on the link between Marxists and Muslims and their desire to take control of … Read more

ERLC Runs Tribute to Kobe Bryant’s “Legacy,” Doesn’t Point Out Obvious or Mention the Gospel

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is a godless, Christless, gospel-void organization designed to elect Democrats to office by encouraging Christians to not vote. The organization, owned and operated by the Southern Baptist Convention, has nothing much to do with ethics or religious liberty. In fact, it has little to do with Christianity at … Read more

Ed Stetzer Invites Pro-Gay Speaker and ‘Nashville Statement’ Opponent to Billy Graham Center

Ed Stetzer, the disgraced former Lifeway executive who knowingly sold false Heaven Tourism books before being publicly exposed by Alex Malarkey, is now at the center of the leftist movement within evangelicalism. He’s now using hard-core leftist lady-preachers like Christine Caine and homosexuals like Wesley Hill to infiltrate Wheaton College, which now employs him. Wesley … Read more

Top Baptist News Site Cautions Churches About Hosting Disgraced President, JD Greear

Cancel Culture The phenomenon of “cancel culture” has come to the Southern Baptist Convention thanks to leftists in the ‘woke’ Social Gospel movement like JD Greear, Karen Swallow Prior, Russell Moore, and Albert Mohler (whose continual hiring and support of progressive extremists has pushed the SBC to the hard left). Cancel culture occurs when public … Read more

Russell Moore Says Abortion Isn’t a Political Issue, Don’t Worry About How You Vote

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is led by an insufferable Democrat quisling, Russell Moore, who says he wishes his wife was a Democrat and more like Hillary Clinton. While weaponizing their “research fellows” over the March for Life weekend to attack Donald Trump for being pro-life, the … Read more