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Michael Brown Finally Names Names (Of Critics, Not Heretics)

After years of refusing to name names of problematic teachers and outright heretics, Michael Brown finally took to his webcast to bravely call out the names…of his critics. Names of charismatic charlatans who are milking the Bride of Christ for seed-faith offerings in exchange for parlor-trick miracles have still gone unmentioned by the New Apostolic … Read more

Former Theonomist Meets Up with Fake Former Gang Member

Once the most prominent theonomists still living, Joel McDurmon has become a leftist social gospel advocate far removed from his former position as a conservative firebrand. McDurmon recently met up with a white-privileged social gospel proponent largely propped up by Beth Moore and Russell Moore, who has lied about his supposed former life as a … Read more

Good News: Jim Bakker Says His Snake Oil Heals Coronavirus

In June of last year, we reported that Jim Bakker was selling ointment to cure venereal disease, and it sounded like he had first-hand experience with its healing claims. Now Bakker is claiming that same venereal disease ointment heals coronavirus. We kid you not. In an excerpt first published by Right Wing Watch and Friendly … Read more

Francis Chan Now Claims to Be a Faith Healer

Discerning Christians have been warning about Francis Chan’s descent into heresy for quite some time. Chan recently claimed that ecumenical unity is more important than Biblical truth, adopted the Romanist view of transubstantiation, posed for partnership selfies with Benny Hinn, and is headlining events with New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) heretics. And now Chan claims to … Read more

Triggered: SBC Leader Says Critics of Female Speaking at Convention Are ‘Endangering’ Her

A constant refrain in the era of Antifa and protest culture is that “words aren’t violence.” Liberals, leftists, and millennials who have had their minds coddled often confuse speech with actual physical violence. One would expect better from SBC pastor conference president, David Uth. But then again, we should also expect Uth not to stack … Read more

SBC Chooses Gay-Friendly, Scandal-Plagued Leftist to Stop Reform Efforts

The Southern Baptist Convention, led by 2019 Worst Christian of the Year, JD Greear, is facing the likelihood of numerous resolutions aimed at reforming the denomination and stopping its leftward trajectory. The Resolutions Committee serves the function of dismissing, approving, or amending resolutions brought to the SBC annual meeting by messengers of local churches. As … Read more

Southern Baptist Convention to Have Female Pastor Speak at Annual Gathering

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has announced that a female pastor will be taking front-and-center stage at the Southern Baptist’s annual meeting. The female preacher/pastor will be speaking in a genre called Spoken Word, a word-based performance art that includes a manuscript written to be read out-loud. Last year, Southern Baptist leaders toyed around with … Read more

Citing ‘Frozen,’ The Gospel Coalition Says Artists are Prophets and Intercessors

There is definitely a hoity-toity, pinky-stuck-out, latte-sipping, scarf-wearing, queer vibe at The Gospel Coalition these days. And it’s not just from the whole gaggle of lesbians who write for the social justice organization (there’s quite a few including Rachel Gilson, Rebecca McLaughlin, Jackie Hill Perry, and so on). The organization seems to be influenced largely … Read more

Liberal Evangelical Overlords Come Unglued

This week our Evangelical Overlords seemingly lined up to expose themselves as malicious leftists, one after another. Here are just a handful of observations: Well-known Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) / The Gospel Coalition (TGC) leader, Ray Ortlund, praised Mitt Romney for voting to convict Trump. Another ERLC/TGC writer (and former Obama staffer!) published … Read more

Video: Charismatic Performs Parlor Trick, Pulling Object from Shoe

When you hear about Christianity growing in Africa, please understand that the bulk of it is charismaticism, a sub-Christian sect barely recognizable to orthodox Christianity. Propagated by the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that spreads its demonic seed primarily in places rife with superstition, witchcraft, and low socio-economic strata, this bizarre religion has people doing really … Read more

Climate Activist Leaves Movement Because Too Many White People Are Helping

The Chicken-Little environmentalism movement is built upon the supposition that humans are destroying the environment and, if something drastic isn’t done to save the earth, the entire planet will die in some kind of horrible apocalyptic scenario. This doomsday belief would require, one would think, broad participation from people of every ethnic group in a … Read more

Pastors Concerned About SBC’s Leftward Drift to Meet Prior to Annual Convention

Two men who are primarily responsible for the Southern Baptist Convention’s leftward drift claim that the SBC is not experiencing a leftward drift. Albert Mohler and Danny Akin, two seminary presidents who are stacking their institutions with as many liberals as is humanly possible, made the assertion that the SBC isn’t going liberal earlier this … Read more

New Documentary Exposes Mohler’s Gay Agenda

Some believe that Southern Baptist Seminary President and likely upcoming SBC President, Albert Mohler, is a hero of the Conservative Resurgence. In fact, Mohler is no hero for conservative causes. A more careful examination of Albert Mohler reveals he has overseen a hostile takeover of the SBC by Critical Race Theorists, feminists, and Cultural Marxists … Read more