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SBC Voices’ Dave Miller Says Eternal Security is a Secondary Issue

To doctrinal liberals and theological leftists, virtually nothing is a “primary issue.” The rise of ecumenism in 20th Century evangelicalism demonstrated that the cardinal doctrine of togetherness takes precedence over the Holy Scriptures on almost every account. Demonstrating this truism is The Company Man™, Dave Miller, who owns and operates the nearly-dead SBC social justice … Read more

The ‘Gospel’ Coalition Tries to Shame Pastors into Social Media Silence

The Gospel Coalition, which is largely funded by dark money with trails leading to felonious Clinton money-man, James Riady, is a progressive political organization masquerading as a Christian ministry. Founded by Marxist, Tim Keller, the organization attempts to sway evangelicals from a faithful conservative voting block by injecting the Christian church with liberal notions of … Read more

More Idiots Plan ‘Booze and Hymns’ Event

The Bible doesn’t forbid drinking. We get it. But just when you think the flaunt-your-liberty movement is dying, cliche frat boy Christians go and launch another booze-and-Jesus event. They’re so…cutting edge. They’re like…2013 cutting edge. What would make hymns even better? To the folks behind Beer and Hymns, excluding people who struggle with addiction makes … Read more

The Southern Baptist Convention is Wicked, and God Hates It

Albert Mohler

I awoke this morning and saw the polemics headlines coming out of the unofficial but more successful versions of the Baptist Press, Reformation Charlotte and Capstone Report. Blissfully unaware of most headlines reported on during my weekly Sabbath rest, I opened my eyes to see the following: SBC Pastor’s Conference speaker’s church does Satanic choreographed … Read more

ERLC Official Says to Vote Pro-Choice Democrat Over Trump

A contributor to the Southern Baptist’s lobbying arm is telling Christians in the WaPo that God wants them to vote pro-choice Democrat over Donald Trump in the next election. Southern Baptists own the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the political lobbying arm that is daily opposing President Trump and which is run by a … Read more

Mark Dever Says Voting Pro-Choice is ‘Morally Legitimate Option’

The point of Mark Dever in this video clip is very clear; whites should reconsider being “single-issue voters” on the abortion issue because it separates whites and blacks. Dever, who is a prominent figure in “woke” evangelicalism from the headquarters of his Washington D.C. church, has heavily promoted Democrats like Thabiti Anyabwile (aka Ron Burns), … Read more

Court Upholds Discipline of Professor for Correctly ‘Gendering’ Student

Although the land of the Naked Emperor uses the term “misgender” the Newspeak term is precisely the opposite of reality. Correctly identifying someone by their real and actual gender can get someone disciplined or fired, and according to a federal court, First Amendment free speech and freedom of religion laws won’t protect a person for … Read more

SBC Leader Says Opposing Female Pastors is ‘Gender Lynching’

Dwight McKissic, a token black figure in the Southern Baptist Convention who terrorizes every annual convention with race-baiting resolutions, says that being against female pastors is “gender lynching.” McKissic, who helped foment ungodly domestic terrorism during the Ferguson riots and railed against police officers, also voted for Hillary Clinton because of “other pro-life issues” besides … Read more

Study Shows Calvinist / Reformed Pastors More Likely to Approve of Gay Marriage Than Others

The heresy-peddling retail outlet for the Southern Baptist Convention, Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, has released a poll demonstrating a huge upswing in the percentage of mainline Protestant pastors who approve of sodomy-based marriages. The survey demonstrates a surge from 32% approval for gay marriage in this group in 2010 up to 47% in 2020. The study … Read more

Five Tips for Single People on Valentines Day

It’s Valentine’s Day. I know it stinks to be alone, if you happen to be one of the unfortunate ones who have yet to find the love of your life. The Evangelical Intelligentsia seems to be intent on keeping young people unmarried, occasionally even trotting out celibate homosexuals to lecture us on the virtue of … Read more

ERLC Promotes Gay Priest and Singleness on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day commemorates Saint Valentine of Rome who performed weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministered to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire. Worldwide, the day is now set aside for couples to celebrate their love, relationship, and marriage. However, Hominterns deep inside the Evangelical Deep State have been extolling the virtue … Read more

They’ve Had Enough: Conservative Baptists Form Group to Fight Liberal Drift

Southern Baptist leaders most responsible for the liberal drift in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) – chiefly Albert Mohler and Danny Akin, presidents of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary respectively – claim there is no liberal drift in the denomination. Meanwhile, both seminaries have sold out to the leftist ideologies of … Read more

Everything Wrong with the SBC Pastor’s Conference Line-Up in One Place

[Gabe Hughes] Perhaps you heard the sound of a massive creaking ship rocking the online community, and you turned in your boat to see a commotion aboard the U.S.S. Southern Baptist Convention. That’s because on Monday, the Pastors Conference, which precedes the annual convention held in June, announced the line-up of speakers who would be … Read more