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Shawn Bolz Prophesied Coronavirus is Over. Immediately, the First Patient Died in the U.S.

Charismatics are really good at prophesying. Falsely. Benny Hinn claims to have healed whole hospitals (he was also admitted to one for being sick a while back). Todd Bentley claims to have raised the dead. Kenneth Copeland claims to have made the blind sea and Gloria Copeland promised Christians wouldn’t get the flu last year. Yesterday we … Read more

Rodney Howard Browne to Curse Away Coronavirus (In the U.S. Only)

Charismatic prophets promise they can heal all manner of diseases and ailments. Benny Hinn claims to have healed whole hospitals (he was also admitted to one for being sick a while back). Todd Bentley claims to have raised the dead. Kenneth Copeland claims to have made the blind sea and Gloria Copeland promised Christians wouldn’t … Read more

SBC Professor Claims ‘Revoice’ Founders Have “Traditional, Biblical Sexual Ethic”

Basically, the entire orthodox evangelical world has repudiated the now-infamous Revoice Conference for holding to a rainbow-splattered unbiblical sexual ethic. The conference, which would go on to celebrate “queer culture” has been even repudiated by ‘woke’ leaders like Albert Mohler and even the ERLC. The one hold-out seems to be Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, … Read more

You Pagans in a Hurry? This Church Will Dump Ashes on You in a Drive-Through

The Bible consistently warns Christians to not engage in pagan superstitious rituals, especially the type that requires fasting from foods or behaviors that God doesn’t condemn (1 Timothy 4:1-5). But that doesn’t stop Romanists from superstitiously dabbing themselves with ashes at the beginning of Lent to signal their self-righteousness before the world. The “imposition of … Read more

Democrats Abort Legislation Requiring Treatment of Newborn Infants

As Evangelical Intelligentsia leftist subversives like Andrew Walker, Karen Swallow Prior, and David French are vigorously trying to convince Christian voters not to vote Republican in 2020, Democrats are vetoing legislation requiring the medical treatment of newborn infants who have survived in-the-womb assassination attempts. Proposing two acts of legislation designed to protect infants, Senate Majority … Read more

Outrageous – 10% Of The Biggest Southern Baptist Churches Are Pastored By Women

It’s no secret that the SBC has been monkeying about with its theological foundations as of late, shrugging off the oppressive mantle of complementarianism in exchange for the more lightweight and flexible windbreaker of soft-complementarianism egalitarianism. This despite the fact that the Baptist Faith and Message (BFM) is definitive on the issue: “While both men and women … Read more

‘First Baptist Church’ Hosts Transgender Inclusion Seminar

The First Baptist Church in Columbia, Missouri, recently hosted a ‘Transgender Inclusion Seminar’ with Austen Hartke. Hartke has written a book and produced videos encouraging Christians to embrace ‘transgender’ (people who pretend to be the wrong gender) individuals as believers in right standing with God. Hartke tried to dispel what he calls, “clobber passages,” meaning … Read more

Arrogant SBC Leader Literally Complains About Who He Calls the ‘Little People’

Former SBC President, James Merritt, is the proud father of homosexual ‘Christian’ journalist, Jonathan Merritt, who spends his days writing mostly gay things from a leftist perspective designed to undermind conservative Christianity. He’s also the genius who nominated walking disaster and gay-affirming pastor, David Uth, to head-up the SBC Pastor’s conference which has since been … Read more

Anti-Social Justice Conference Features Disgraced “Pastor” Greg Locke

This weekend, the GK Podcast Network hosted an online event entitled “The Destroy Social Justice Conference.” For a $30 fee, registrants could live stream a number of presentations from the conference’s lineup of speakers. The conference advertised its content and speakers as follows: This lineup of speakers will dive deep into the issue of Social Justice and … Read more

Church Provocatively Entitles Sermon Series ‘APESHT’

Presumably giggling like fratboys over a dirty joke, the “elders” at FōS Church have given a new sermon series a provocative title. FōS Church, which uses the Greek word for light in its name, came up with the title as an acronym for apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. The church media people combined the … Read more

Russell Moore Supporters All Have One Thing in Common: They’re On the ERLC’s Teat

A quick survey of social media and blogs strongly defending Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist Convention reveals that they all have one thing in common. They are on the teat of the SBC spoils system and are compensated by Russell Moore. Like baby pigs suckling on the mother sow, these seemingly run-of-the-mill supporters of … Read more

Live Review of Dr. Brown’s Tarot Card Apologetics

Here, JD reviews Dr. Brown’s program, Ask Dr. Brown, from yesterday in which he provided an apologetic for Christian Tarot Cards. As explained, Dr. Brown is an apologist for the devil. You can also watch on Facebook and it will show up in your BTWN and Patreon feeds.

Latest SBC Fiasco is What Happens When Leaders Ignore Discernment Ministries

David Uth was elected as SBC Pastors’ Conference President to the sound of thunderous applause. Nominated by leftward-drifting former SBC president James Merritt, father of prominent homosexual journalist Jonathan Merritt, Uth had already been on the radar of Pulpit & Pen for several years. We first noted Uth’s penchant for inviting troublesome speakers to fill … Read more