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Fox in the Henhouse: Former First Baptist Woodstock Pastor and HopeQuest CEO “Marries” Another Man

For years, Roy Blankenship and his late wife Nancy worked at the First Baptist Church of Woodstock. Nancy handled records while her husband served on Johnny Hunt’s senior staff as the Counseling Pastor. After two decades of being on staff at FBC Woodstock, Roy transitioned to becoming the full-time chairman and CEO of the HopeQuest … Read more

Former Assemblies of God Church to Allow Gay Pastors, Gay Weddings

[Christian News Network] A now-former Assemblies of God (AG) “church” in Texas has announced that its elder board has decided to allow practicing homosexuals to serve in all capacities, including as pastors, and that pastors will be permitted to officiate same-sex ceremonies if so desired. The district office of the AG says it “moved swiftly” … Read more

Baptist Newspaper Says Hell Does Not Exist

Baptist News Global, affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, ran an editorial this morning from Alan Bean, the executive director of Friends of Justice. The Friends of Justice website demonstrates that they espouse Liberation Theology as a means to promote so-called “social justice.” Alan Bean is also an apparent fan of racist Southern Baptist pastor, … Read more

ERLC Leader Says Denying Trinity is Just a “Small Doctrinal Difference”

Russell Moore’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is stacked with the most vehement proponents of ‘woke’ social religion that they are now defending Steven Furtick by claiming that a belief in the Holy Trinity is only a “small doctrinal sliver of difference.” As Reformation Charlotte has previously reported, Susan Codone serves the ERLC leadership … Read more

To Our Black Readers: Kyle Howard and the Florida-Georgia Line

Dear Black Readers, Until recently the worst thing I could think of when I considered the border between my state of residence and the Sunshine State to the south was the deplorable “bro country” music group Florida Georgia Line. Now it’s Kyle J. Howard. Evangelical Twitter’s resident race-baiting “racial trauma counselor” recently made the wild … Read more

Baptist Press Praises ‘Top Worship Songs’; Every Single One from Heretical Artists

When folks need discernment they know not to trust the Southern Baptist Convention’s public-relations arm, the Baptist Press. The fake news publication, which masquerades as journalism, serves the purpose of “pumping sunshine” on denominational affairs because it’s not an independent publication but is operated by the SBC Executive Committee. Most recently, the Baptist Press ran … Read more

Video: Michael Brown Slays Kangaroo in the Spirit

You might think that Dr. Michael Brown is a cartoon caricature of extreme charismaticism. And you would be right. The man known as “Knock’em Down Brown” for his propensity to “slay people in the spirit” (which is the kabuki theater that occurs when Pentecostal worshippers pretend to be overcome by a preacher placing hands upon … Read more

Another Charismatic Prophet Offers Coronavirus Cure

Pulpit & Pen has been documenting the charismatic prophets who are either selling snake-oil coronavirus cures or prophesying a swift end to the illness. Apparently there’s not a single faith-healer in the world who can heal those with the illness, but there’s plenty of them with promises to heal…for a price. Even though Pat Robertson … Read more

As the U.S. Forsakes God, Russians to Honor Him in their Constitution

In August of last year, the Democratic Party officially voted to become the party of the ‘irreligious.’ This is following their shouting-down and booing of God’s mention at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. In an odd juxtaposition, Vladimir Putin of Russia is proposing amendments to the Russian constitution that explicitly give honor to God and … Read more

SBC Chooses ‘Woke’ Non-SBC Pastor with Female Leaders to Chair ‘Resolutions Committee’

[Capstone Report] How do Southern Baptists feel about women pastors? What about women deacons? Well, we will soon find out. SBC President J.D. Greear named Ed Stetzer as chairman of the 2020 SBC Resolutions Committee. Stetzer has served over two years as Interim Teaching Pastor at Moody Church. And Moody Church has women deaconesses. The … Read more