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Mormons Cancel ‘Church’ Worldwide Due to Coronavirus

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, has announced the closure of all wards that serve its 16-million members worldwide. Nearly half of Mormons live in the United States and the LDS is the fourth-largest religious organization in the country. None will be meeting for worship this Sunday. … Read more

Pro-Life Republican Supermajority Kills Bill To Abolish Abortion in Oklahoma

On Wednesday the Oklahoma State Senate tabled a motion to bring Senate Bill 13 — the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act — to the Senate floor. By a 38-4 vote, this act of cowardice shelved the bill for the rest of the legislative session and ensures that it will not be heard. SB 13 was … Read more

Charlatan Televangelist Pretends to Heal Coronavirus Through TV

As the spread of Coronavirus fuels fear of a global pandemic, governments and civic organizations are taking major steps to limit the spread of sickness. Schools are closing. Major League Baseball cancelled Spring Training and delayed its opening day. The NBA has suspended its season and the NCAA followed suit by taking the unprecedented step … Read more

“Faith-Healing” Bethel Redding Church Closes Because of Coronavirus

“I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness” Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church Earlier this week, I reported that the notorious New Apostolic Reformation Church, Bethel Redding, was cancelling its sought after “healing room” ministry amid fear of the Coranavirus. Reporting on the same development, the Sacramento Bee provided a quote from, … Read more

Democratic Governor Calls for Churches To Cancel Services In Response To Coronavirus

Democratic Governor Andy Beshear warned Kentuckians on Wednesday that in order to combat the spread of the coronavirus, they should avoid crowds and cancel their church services.  Citing the need to protect the health of members and those who have underlying medical conditions, he urged churches not to gather on the Lord’s day, but rather … Read more

Tim Challies Caves on Homosexuality: Says He’s “Deliberately Evasive” on its Sinfulness

Aligning yourself with The Gospel Coalition has proven time and again to be the death-rattle of orthodox evangelicals. Not long after cozying up to the dark-money leftist organization that masquerades as a ministry, most TGC acolytes eventually cave on important social issues. And sadly, this is true with Tim Challies. In a Q&A session that … Read more

What’s Rob Bell Been Up To? An Update From 2011-2020

For many people, the last they heard from Rob Bell was in 2011. He had risen to prominence in the early 2000s, fueled by his popular NOOMA video’s which kickstarted his mainstream fame, and later on with a series of books like Velvet Jesus, Sex God, and Jesus Wants To Save Christians. Imbued with a gift for … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Announces Retirement from Twitter: And All God’s People Said “Amen!”

Blaming racists, micro-aggressions, and meany-pants Christians, privileged professional student and victimologist, Kyle J. Howard, has announced his retirement from Twitter. We first brought to you highlights of Kyle J. Howard after he claimed he was too afraid of James White to be in a room alone with him (ostensibly because James White is a dangerous … Read more

When Faith-Healers Can’t Even Handle the Flu…

Bethel Church in Redding, California – which dumps chicken feathers, fog, and glitter out of its ventilation system to simulate a “glory cloud,” has a supernatural school of healing, and regularly tells tall-tales of raising the dead – has apparently closed its “healing rooms” because it’s afraid that all the touching involved will pass along … Read more

Healing Rooms Cancelled Due To Coronavirus Fears

Bethel Church in Redding, CA, the wellspring for all that is evil and unholy in the Charismatic Movement, has purportedly cancelled their healing rooms due to fears of the coronavirus. @bethelchurchandchristianity dropped this post on Instagram: And is reporting: We’ve reached out to Bethel for comment and will update this post as information becomes available.

Paul Washer on Presuppositional Apologetics

Pulpit & Pen is committed to presuppositional apologetics as our de facto apologetic method, albeit we do not engage in “apologetics wars” on the subject. Neither do we castigate those who hold other views. Like tackle in a tackle box, each method has a proper place and function in the Christian life. To explain our … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Claims Coronavirus Won’t Hit Republicans

Charismatic prophets keep giving out great news regarding the coronavirus. Sure, they all claim to have received their news from God himself through direct and divine revelation while their accounts all vastly differ, but still. Challenge not the Lord’s anointed, amiright? Shawn Bolz prophesying an end of coronavirus (right before a half-dozen dropped dead in Washington state), … Read more