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Coronavirus is God’s Plague Upon Charismatics

Upon the top of Mt. Carmel in the 9th Century B.C., Elijah stared down the prophets of Ba’al and Ashera. They promised to be able to get their gods to move by decreeing and declaring positive confessions of their power. They beat their chests and screamed into the heavens. They cut themselves and bled to … Read more

Rodney Howard Brown Says Coronavirus a Sinister Plot to Kill People With Vaccines

As we have been chronicling at Pulpit & Pen religiously (no pun intended), charismatic prophets are going to get people killed with their crack-pottery. It’s one thing to decree-and-declare an end to coronavirus with ineffectual blathering, but it’s another thing to offer horrible medical advice and instill confusion into the global discourse on this pandemic. … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Says Coronavirus Would Be Over ‘In an Hour’ If China Gave Religious Freedom

This is getting old, admittedly. We’re trying to chronicle all the crazy things charismatics are saying about the coronavirus. You know, to make fun of them in the future (like God intended). So far we have, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Says Coronavirus is the Devil’s Way of Stopping President Trump

Well, we continue in our marathon of posts about crazy things charismatics have said about coronavirus this week. And we come to Charisma’s Robert Henderson. But for the record, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. Rodney Howard Browne promised to bind coronavirus from the … Read more

Some Southern Baptists Are Defying Orders to Shut Down Churches in Wake of Coronavirus

[Christian Post] Some churches including Southern Baptist congregations in Kentucky say they have no plans to shutter amid the new coronavirus epidemic despite a request from Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear urging houses of worship to close temporarily Wednesday to help prevent community spread of the deadly virus. “We know this is community spread and we … Read more

Danny Akin Calls Karen Swallow Prior Critics “Liars” For Quoting Her *Exact* Words

Danny Akin is feeling the heat for hiring Karen Swallow Prior, a gay-affirming self-avowed feminist who believes that calling abortion murder is “unchristlike.” Defending himself during a Q&A at FBC Henderson – which by necessity required defending Karen Swallow Prior’s atrocious words, Akin called Prior’s critics “liars.” Quoted by the sunshine-pumping public relations department at … Read more

Mefferd Lets Greear Have It For Coddling Up to Anti-Semite

Janet Mefferd blasted SBC President J.D. Greear during an appearance on the Todd Starnes Radio Show Wednesday. Mefferd compared the Beta Male, apologetic performance of Southern Baptist Convention president J.D. Greear to the Alpha Male performance of Omar Suleiman—an allegedly anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Imam. Greear appeared on stage during an interfaith dialogue with an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel Imam last Thursday … Read more

Baptist Minister Says “Abortion is a Blessing,” Volunteers at Kill-Center

[Christian News Network] A minister with the American Baptist Church (ABC-USA) has been volunteering as an escort at a North Carolina abortion facility, according to recent reports. In December and January, Yes Magazine covered what it described as “harassment” by pro-lifers against escorts and abortion-minded mothers entering A Woman’s Choice in Greensboro. The facility offers abortions up to … Read more

Amazon Selling “Let’s Make Down Syndrome Extinct” Shirt

Amazon has already banned books by Christian authors who have escaped the homosexual lifestyle on grounds that is is “hate speech.” But the retailer apparently thought it was okay – at least until yesterday – to sell a t-shirt that said, “Let’s make Down Syndrome Extinct.” That, in fact, seems more hateful. One mother whose … Read more