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Former Seminary President’s Church Withholding Tithes from SBC Until Liberal ERLC Changes or is Abolished

[Reformation Charlotte] A growing number of Southern Baptists and SBC churches are becoming extremely frustrated with the politics of the denomination’s most influential entity, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as it continues to push progressivism in the name of Christianity. Recently, the denomination’s propaganda outlet published a demonstrably false article that denied any ties the … Read more

Tim Keller Alleges God Does Not ‘Feel Superior’ To You

In a characteristically dumb tweet for the aging Marxist, Tim Keller tweeted a nonsensical Confusious-Say type thought that speaks to his increasingly bizarre theology. Keller’s social religion has absolutely poisoned his brain. Writing on Twitter yesterday, Keller claimed that “it’s impossible to forgive someone if you feel superior to him or her.” No doubt, the … Read more

Utah Makes It Illegal to Help Gay Teens

A loving society would try to help kids who are suffering from high-risk, self-destructive behavior. Unfortunately, Utah has joined 18 other states in criminalizing therapy designed to help steer youth away from engaging in homosexual behavior that will shorten their lifespan, put them at much higher risk of suicide, sexually transmitted disease, drug use, and … Read more

ERLC Attorney Harassing SBC Sex Abuse Victims

In a move of gross incompetence and insensitivity, an attorney for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is contacting victims of sex abuse from within the SBC. This is an inappropriate, intimidating practice according to ‘survivor blog,’ Wartburg Watch. As Dee Parsons explained in the article Another SBC/ERLC … Read more

Sick Pastor Teaches Congregation Preferred Positions for Marital Relations with Live Demonstration

A perverted pastor in Ghana is surfacing in several videos teaching his congregation and conference crowds with sexual position tutorials. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ … Read more

‘Trans Woman’ ‘Pastor’ Baptizes Guy With His Big Man-Hands

In a video posted January 12, “Pastor” “Amie” Scott baptizes a new convert to whatever gosh-awful pseudo-Christian cult god they worship at Deeper Waters “Christian” Ministries in Beaverton, Oregon. You can see the man, dressed like a woman, explain baptism in a gruff (but effeminate) voice. He tells the young man being baptized his view … Read more

Charismatics Freak Out Over the Moon’s Color Again. No, AGAIN

Charismaticism is a religion steeped in superstition, witchcraft, necromancy, mysticism, and the occult. It was perfectly predictable that Charismatics would try to find some spiritual significance in the moon’s upcoming color, just as they have in the past with the ‘blood moon’ phenomenon. Charismatics made moon-based predictions in April of 2014, in September of 2015, … Read more

Cultural Marxism Video at ERLC Website Butchers Scripture to Promote Division

A new video posted at the website of the Democratic Wing of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), ruthlessly butchers the Scripture to promote its Cultural Marxist agenda. Featuring Mika Edmonson, a radical leftist who is a contributor to the Gospel Coalition and regularly promotes racial division, the video makes … Read more

Sadly, Kanye is Partnering More with NAR Heretics

Many of us had great hopes for Kanye West after he briefly aligned himself with a MacArthurite pastor in California and rumored to have associated with a Reformed Baptist church near his other home in Wyoming. Although we still hold out hopes for Kanye West and are glad to see certain transformations in his life … Read more

Dullards and Discernment: Todd Starnes Misreprents SBC Professor

Let me just say this up front: I think Todd Starnes is awful. I can’t determine whether he believes his own Red-State Fox-Newish evangelical schtick or if he merely panders, at great profit, to a pew-sitting crowd of MAGA-hat-wearing dullards that does. Either way, that bufoon has a blue star on his Twitter account, so … Read more

Liberal White United Methodists Toss Out Conservative Africans

United Methodists in the U.S. do not have “open minds, open hearts, and open doors” to their brothers from Africa, who tend to be more conservative than them. Conservative Africans were just given the left boot of fellowship by liberal UMC pastors in the United States. Pulpit & Pen first wrote about this subject in … Read more

Phillippines Reject Same-Sex Marriage

[CNS] The Supreme Court of the Philippines has reiterated its dismissal of a petition to redefine marriage in the country to include same-sex couples. The court had initially dismissed the petition in September, on the grounds that the applicant lacked standing because he did not have a partner, nor was he seeking a same-sex marriage. … Read more

Baptist Press Lies to Southern Baptists About Soros Involvement

[Reformation Charlotte] The Baptist Press is the Southern Baptist Convention’s propaganda outlet that typically reports on absolutely nothing newsworthy in the way of Southern Baptist life, culture, or doctrine. The outlet is primarily used to promote the circle of elites that micromanage the denomination and sway public opinion when the arrogance of those in charge … Read more