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Federal Vision Is Not Dead (It Just Smells Funny)

[God’s Hammer] Those familiar with the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail will remember the scene where Eric Idle is collecting plague consumed dead bodies on a cart while crying out like some old-time peanut vendor or carnival barker; “Bring out your dead!” Hearing the call a man appears carrying an elderly man on his shoulder … Read more

University Displays ‘Unholy Bible’ Artwork Depicting Jesus With Satanic Face

The University of Southern Maine has displayed student-created artwork entitled Unholy Bible: Very Revised Standard Edition, which cut up the Holy Scriptures to look like flames and pasted a Satanic image over the face of Christ. After receiving complaints from Christian students, the university says the display is protected speech. Riley Harris, a sophomore at … Read more

Church Installs Artwork of Jesus in Drag

St. Paul’s Church in Malmo, Sweden, is placing new artwork behind the pulpit that depicts Jesus in high heels. The previous artwork in the church had an LGBTQ scene in the Garden of Eden, which Pulpit & Pen covered in the post, Church of Sweden Places LGBTQ Artwork Behind Altar. Now, the blasphemous, high-heeled Christ … Read more

Jeff Durbin, Secret Recordings, and Apologia Church: Delete After Reading

Editors Note: The following accounts are given to demonstrate that Apologia Church in Phoenix has repeatedly used secret recordings of church members in an abusive fashion and engaged repeatedly in ‘hard shepherding.’ All of the information to follow has come directly from those closely associated with Apologia Church who contacted Pulpit & Pen or Bible … Read more

An Update On The Rise Of Perry Noble. 2016-2020.

For many people, the last they heard of Perry Noble was back in 2016. At the time he was the founder and lead pastor of Newspring Church, an SBC mega-church with a daily attendance of 32,000. He was seen as a rock star in evangelical circles, headlining major conferences and sending social media ablaze with … Read more

SBC President Says It’s Okay to Believe in Evolution

In a podcast dated December 16, 2019, Southern Baptist President, JD Greear, says it’s perfectly fine to believe in evolution and Christians should read the Book of Genesis with an “open mind.” Entitled Is It Okay to Believe in Evolution, Greear gives approval to denying God’s narrative of how He created the Heavens and Earth. … Read more

Audio: Beth Moore Trash-Talks John MacArthur, Calls His Position ‘Dumb, Absurd, Extreme’

In a recent podcast with Jamie Ivey on The Happy Hour podcast, Beth Moore described John MacArthur’s position on female pastors (that held by all conservative Christians and until recently, most Southern Baptists) “absurd,” “dumb,” and “extreme.” ‘It’s so absurd to say God would only use women in certain contexts,’ Beth said. The host, Jaimie … Read more

Feminists Burn Down, Vandalize Church

[Evangelical Focus] Radicals attacked a Pentecostal church in Tübingen (Germany) the night after 26 December. The TOS church and conference centre suffered an arson and paint attack. “The entrance area of the church was sprayed with purple paint over a large area and the church bus, which was parked in the parking lot, was set … Read more

Why Does Phil Pringle’s Testimony Keep Changing?

[Church Watch Central] Garbage collectors, postmen, salesmen, all honest, godly vocations – and if they’re Christians? In their chosen vocations they are serving God as they serve their neighbour. And as true believers, all would acknowledge they have something in common. All are sinners in daily need of their Saviour. It’s interesting to note that two … Read more

An Update on Apologia ‘Church’ and Hidden Audio

Many are asking when our exposé is coming out on Apologia Church and their immoral and grossly disqualifying practice of secretly recording audio of church members’ confessions of sins and later using them for retaliatory purposes. The answer is soon, but I wanted to give a quick update. As you probably already know, Jeff Durbin … Read more

James White, Rosaria Butterfield, and the Secret Changing of Minds

In my previous post on this subject, I entitled it A Brief Condescension to James White and explained that his defenses for Rosaria Butterfield are so embarrassingly bad the man is hardly worth responding to at all. White claimed that Butterfield’s positive referencing of heretics was merely part of a “bibliography.” When I pointed out … Read more

Priest Conducts Casino Mass to Bless Busy Gamblers

‘Faher’ Charlie Urnick provides his priestly services at Don’s Celebrity Theater, tucked inside the thrumming Riverside Resort Hotel and Casino. It’s there that gamblers and whoremongers slink away from their slot machines and high-stakes cards games just long enough to be absolved of their sins, drink communion with all the reverence of a shot of … Read more

Sid Roth Claims A Kid Flew Around During Revival Meeting

Sid Roth hosts It’s Supernatural. When he’s not there to tell fanciful stories of charismatic poppycock, Dr. Michael Brown takes his place as a guest host. Roth has told some pretty tall tales, but the one from December 20 might just take the cake. According to Roth and his guest, Andre Ashby, a kid, flew … Read more