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Resources for Your Church’s Security

In light of the horrific church shooting in White Settlement, Texas, Pulpit & Pen would like to provide some resources for you to send to your church security team. Here’s a breakdown of the shooting in Texas, with expert commentary on what the security team did right, did wrong, could have done better, and what … Read more

The Ventures of an Epistemological Capitalist

I am an Epistemological Capitalist. Every so often I change my tag on Facebook to better describe myself to the public. Last time it was, “That pen and pulpit ‘go home’ t-shirt guy who preaches sexism mostly – Jory Micah.” Before that, it was “I choose to self-identify as a Camouflage American,” “Also known as … Read more

Furtick’s ‘Elevation Church’ Cancels Service to Focus on New Years Eve Party

For worshippers at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church this Sunday, there will be no worship. They have canceled services in order to focus on preparing for a big New Years Eve bash. Please note to attendees: Whatever this party consists of, childcare is not provided. The Facebook post says, “There will be NO WORSHIP EXPERIENCES on … Read more

Nadia Bolz Weber Makes Up Own ‘Beatitudes’ for Sex-Workers, Gays, and Illegal Aliens

In a podcast promotional for Jen Hatmaker’s For the Love podcast, self-professed “bull-dyke” ELCA pastor who melted down virginity rings and formed them in the graven image of female genitalia to give to Gloria Steinheim, Nadia Bolz Weber, made up her own Beatitudes for people living in unrepentant sin. Jesus preached his Beatitudes during his … Read more

Your Santa Paraphernalia May Be Made By These Ladies

To demonstrate the gross commercialization of Christianity, completely divorced from the religion of Christ, this photo surfaced from Yahoo News. This photo is of hijab-wearing Muslim women crafting Santa dolls in the Nation of Israel, which some, unfortunately, call the “Palestinian Territories.” A group of women in black niqab veils are making ‘Santa’ figures in … Read more

Catholic Church Merging ‘Virgin’ Mary with Mother Earth Goddess, Pachamama

In the latest attempt to merge the ‘Virgin’ Mary with the Pachamama Mother Earth goddess of South American tribal culture, an organization belonging to the Franciscan Order depicted the two together in a Christmas portrait. When being called out for it by conservative Catholics who consider the Pachamama to be idolatrous, the Franciscans vigorously defended … Read more

The Real Saint Nick

[Ligonier] It might surprise many today to find out that Saint Nicholas (spoiler alert) is a real person after all. Is he the white-bearded man with a red suit, a cap, and a sleigh? Not quite, but he probably was bearded, did wear a hat, and did travel in horse-drawn, not reindeer-drawn, transportation. The legend behind … Read more

GLAAD Says the Term “Pillow Fight” Is An “Offensive Slur” To Homosexuals

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), recently declared that the term “pillow fight” is offensive to LGBTQ+ people and women. When Politico refereed to a spat between Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg as a “pillow fight,” GLAAD rebuked them claiming the term is an “offensive slur.” GLAAD’s Director of News and Rapid … Read more

Pulpit & Pen’s Most Read Posts of 2019

As a tradition, we post the top-read posts at the end of each year. This year, these top-tens posts (in order of total views, not Facebook shares; please note, some shares are more numerous than views depending upon when the article was published) are in descending order… Clayton Jennings Attacks, Doxes Victims, with 3,954 shares … Read more

Olive Heiligenthal, Nabeel Qureshi, and Bethel Church: Still Dead

From Albert Mohler to the Washington Post, the death of Olive Heiligenthal is making news across the spectrum. Olive, the two-year-old daughter of Bethel Church Redding worship leader Kalley Heiligenthal died unexpectedly last Saturday night. Compounding the tragedy has been the vain, and well-publicized, attempts of Bethel Church’s congregation to resurrect the child through prayer. … Read more

Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy

What do you do when you’re a celebrity pastor with a crisis? You call Hunter Frederick to manage publicity for you. It’s what he does. Sources within Bethel Church have confirmed to Pulpit & Pen that Hunter Frederick, who has served as a crisis manager for Lindsay Lohan and disgraced pastor Perry Noble, was hired … Read more

SBC Professor Claims Women Can Preach Because Jesus Broke Commandments, Too

The theological ineptness of Karen Swallow Prior, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s new professor, knows no limits. In her attempt to defend female preachers, the self-professed feminist and animal rights activist claimed that Jesus broke the Sabbath, making it okay that women bend the Bible’s rules on preaching. Yesterday’s controversy started when Danny Akin – who … Read more