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Leftists Disturb Nativity Play, Call It ‘Fascist’

[ BREITBART ] A group of around 50 far-left activists stormed a nativity play involving children in Toulouse, shouting at the children and telling them they were “fascists”. The mob of leftist extremists interrupted the nativity play at around 4 pm at the Place Saint-Georges and yelled, “stop the fascists!” along with “we are the anticapitalists!” … Read more

Nation’s Postal Service Ad Shows Virgin Mary Impregnated by Mailman

The postal service of the nation of Norway is running a Christmas advertisement showing Mary gets impregnated by a mailman. According to Lifesite News, “A new commercial for the Christmas season produced by the Norwegian Postal Service, Posten Norge, suggests that Christ’s conception in the Virgin Mary’s womb was not miraculous and that He was … Read more

Sick Mom Shows ‘Before and After’ Abortion Pics

A photo of a horribly wicked mother posting her ‘before and after’ abortion body has been making its rounds on social media. After a bit of investigation, it turns out the photo is not some kind of troll or fakery belonging to the pro-life movement. It’s real. Pulpit & Pen saw the photo posted to … Read more

LDS ‘Church’ Worth as Much As Microsoft, Google, Apple and Hoarding 100 Billion

A whistle-blower complaint to the Internal Revenue Service reveals that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church, has amassed more than 100 billion dollars in wealth which they are hoarding for no known reason. According to the Washington Post, “The confidential document, received by the IRS on Nov. … Read more

Court Drops Charges Against Pastor Arrested for Preaching at Drag Queen Library Event

[Lifesite News] SPOKANE, Washington, December 16, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A judge has dismissed charges against a Christian pastor in Washington who was arrested after trying to enter a public library in which a Drag Queen Story Hour event was taking place, though local prosecutors plan to try again against Afshin Yaghtin. Yaghtin, who preaches at … Read more

Group Makes ‘Abortions Are Magical’ Prayer Candles to Celebrate Jesus’ Birth

There is nothing quite like Silent Night sung to the ambiance of candlelight on Christmas Eve. However, one pro-abortion group in Texas has made ‘Abortions are Magical’ candles to hand out as Christmas party favors. Think about that for a second. To celebrate Jesus birth, this group is celebrating abortion. The group is Texas Equal … Read more

Bethel Church ‘Dead Raising Team’ Fails to Save 2-Year-Old

In spite of having a dead-raising team who specialize in bringing the deceased back to life, Bethel Church was unable to resurrect a two-year-old despite repeated pleas for help from a leader of their church and music performance team. Jenn Johnson, who heads up Bethel Music and is a regular preacher at Bethel Church (pastored … Read more

Rosaria Butterfield *On Audio* Promoting “Preferred (Transgender) Pronouns” in Name of Hospitality

Any sensible Christian knows that to assist people’s gender delusions by using the wrong pronoun is a sin. We cannot play pretend in regard to the gender God made them or lie about whether God made them male or female. However, Rosaria Butterfield, who we are beginning to refer to as Lot’s Wife, intentionally provides … Read more

Hallmark Pulls Gay Ad, Then After Pressure, Puts it Back Up

In yet another major corporation to bend under the pressure of roughly two percent of the market that engages in high-risk, immoral same-sex “sexual” behavior, Hallmark has put back up an ad featured a lesbian kiss after first taking it down from the pressure of Christian groups. Zola is a company that specializes in wedding … Read more

Four Important Things to Know About the Black Hebrew Israelites

The Black Hebrew Israelites have made the national news several times this year. It was the Black Hebrew Israelite cult that instigated the mob against the Covington School students (we called them at the time, “members of a preposterous and hostile cult”). But most recently, the Black Hebrew Israelites have made the news because of … Read more

Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor with Biblical Views on Same-Sex Attraction

By this point, almost everyone knows that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, free from the conservatism of Paige Patterson and newly staffed by an army of Social Justice drones from Albert Mohler’s Southern Seminary, fired Dr. Robert Lopez because he kept preaching that God would change the desires of homosexuals if they’re born again. Dr. Lopez … Read more

Southern Baptist Church Hosts Obama Campaign Strategists to Preach Social Justice

A church plant belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention and funded by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) recently hosted strategists from the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party to help direct the church’s Social Justice efforts. The narcissistically titled Image Church is a church plant belonging to JD Greear’s Summit Network Partner Churches. The … Read more