For worshippers at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church this Sunday, there will be no worship. They have canceled services in order to focus on preparing for a big New Years Eve bash. Please note to attendees: Whatever this party consists of, childcare is not provided.
The Facebook post says, “There will be NO WORSHIP EXPERIENCES on December 29 at any of our Triad locations. Be sure to rest up because on December 31 we’re hosting Praise Party at our Winston-Salem location ? Doors open at 9PM. Join us as we close out this year and bring in the new decade together in worship!”
Elevation Church is one of the 100 most quickly growing churches in the United States and boasts up to 14 thousand weekly attendees (on good weeks). But this weekend, they’ll have no worshippers so the church staff can put together a blow-out year-end party.
Yay for Jesus.

According to the church website, not all campuses will be closed, but only some of the seemingly less-important ones.
A popular trend among entertainment-driven churches, many were closed last Sunday in preparation of production-heavy Christmas Eve services. This is among the first occasions of a church closing locations on Sunday prior to New Year’s in order to focus on a New Year’s Eve bash.
Although there is no command to celebrate New Year’s Eve, there is a command in regards to a weekly Sabbath.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Many pagans will forgo church this Sunday in order to plan for a riotous New Years’ Eve party. For Elevation Church, they just happen to be doing it in the name of Jesus.