In a video posted January 12, “Pastor” “Amie” Scott baptizes a new convert to whatever gosh-awful pseudo-Christian cult god they worship at Deeper Waters “Christian” Ministries in Beaverton, Oregon.
You can see the man, dressed like a woman, explain baptism in a gruff (but effeminate) voice. He tells the young man being baptized his view of what baptism represents. It’s not apparent whether or not there’s a congregation watching.
See below.

Deeper Waters Christian Ministries was founded as an “open and affirming LGBTQ” church according to a GoFundMe fundraiser posted by its “pastor,” “Amie” Scott.

Scott identifies as a “trans woman,” meaning he is a man. In his testimony, Scott says, “I am a better woman because of his work in me.”
We’re pretty sure God’s not responsible for him trying to be a woman.
[Editor’s Note: HT Bevy Azure]