An acolyte of Beth Moore who grew up living a privileged life in an upscale white suburb, Kyle J. Howard, claims that white people like to hunt because they want to exert control. He claimed that if white people can’t exert control over people, they’ll settle for exerting power over animals.
Kyle J. Howard refers to Beth Moore as his “auntie” and she, in turn, calls him “neph.” The two have been BFFs in social media since first encountering each other in person at the MLK50 Social Gospel event.

Howard claims to be a “racial trauma counselor,” although it doesn’t appear his work is done in any official vocational way. He has been a professional student throughout his adult life, living off the affluence of his two attorney parents. Howard has claimed he lived a secret gang life as a teenager, but cannot produce any evidence corroborating the story. Howard’s twitter feed is daily filled with accounts of ‘micro-aggressions’ he has to endure as a half-white man.
Howard’s latest diatribe is against white people who hunt.

Howard’s claim that only white people are “super into hunting” isn’t supported by the evidence. In fact, statistics show that black people in rural areas hunt and fish regularly. Likewise, white people in urban areas hunt and fish as almost as infrequently as their black urban counterparts. Although, white people are more likely to spend time outdoors.
Simply put, what determines someone’s likelihood to hunt and fish is not their ethnicity, but the geographical proximity to hunting and fishing lands. For example, 95% of blacks that hunt live in the south, where the pains of slavery echo the loudest. Where one lives has far more to do with whether or not one hunts than their skin color.
The facts indicate that whites make up 95% of engagement in outdoor activities, even though they make up only 65% of the population. However, included in these activities are things like hiking, kayaking, camping, and star-gazing. It seems that white people are not drawn more to just hunting and fishing, but also to all outdoor activities, even those that don’t require “power” over animals.
Consider, for example, that 1.2% of visitors to National Parks (where hunting and fishing aren’t allowed) are African American, even though they constitute more than 15 percent of the population.

The most likely reason for a disparity in hunting rates between blacks and whites is that hunting is almost universally a tradition passed on from father to children (almost 95% of hunters were taught to hunt as a child). However, the epidemic of fatherless black homes leaves no one there to teach young black people traditions of any kind. The breakdown of the black family is the most likely reason black people hunt by a smaller margin than whites.

In the meantime, one wonders if Howard thinks about the level of “power” that has to be exercised over the animals he devours from the grocery store. Factory-raised chickens, grain-finished beef, and mass-produced pork all comes from animals controlled from the moment of conception to their death on an assembly line.
It’s likely that Howard thinks his food originates at the grocery store.
He continued…

Howard said, “For me as a black man, when I see photos of white people smiling next to a bloody animal they just killed I am reminded of racial history & that same posture in lynching photos.

One wonders if there’s a limit to micro-aggressions one can possibly feel in their lifetime.