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Trusted Westminster Presbyterian Church Administrator and Wife Charged with $1.2M Theft from Church

[Harry Funk | The Almanac] Westminster Presbyterian Church’s long-time administrator is accused of diverting more than a million dollars from the Upper St. Clair church for use by himself and his wife. Following a lengthy investigation that turned up numerous instances of fraud, including a telephone call to a fake auditor, David Earle Reiter, 50, … Read more

“One Day We’ll be Ashamed of Trump’s Refugee Policy” says Russell Moore of the George Soros Funded Evangelical Immigration Table

[Reformation Charlotte] The Evangelical Immigration Table is a branch of the National Immigration Forum which is heavily funded by George Soros. Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is on the board of the Evangelical Immigration Table and is also on the Leadership Council for George Soros’ 2020 National Immigration Strategy of the National … Read more

Russell Moore: SBC Churches Need to Disciple the Transgender

[Reformation Charlotte] One of the new sexually perverted infiltrations in the Church now is the softening stance on gender identity. The influence is coming in through homosexual activists like Sam Allberry, who recently held a conference at Ravi Zacharias institute on “gender” and suggested that traditional gender roles are partly responsible for the influx of … Read more

Be Forewarned UnWoke Churches: SBC Approves “Disfellowship” Language

[Reformation Charlotte] Southern Baptists are leading the way in the cultural Marxist “woke” movement. The movement is a mass structured attack on white people using Marxist ideology right out of the Frankfurt School’s playbook. Ideologies such as “white privilege” and inherent guilt of racism based solely on the color of one’s skin are rampant in … Read more

Lesbian Claims Baptist Upbringing Caused Her Anxiety Disorder

According to one lesbian, being raised a Baptist and having been taught the virtue of chastity was traumatic and causes her to have debilitating anxiety. Writing for the Huffington Post, Hannah Brashers recalled her childhood upbringing in a fundamental Baptist church and her eventual spiral into sodomy. Brashers describes the church as “like a cult” … Read more

Mohler Clone and Former Lifeway Chairman Appointed to Replace Patterson at Southwestern Seminary

Adam Greenway has been unanimously nominated by the search committee of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to replace Paige Patterson as its next president. Greenway is another “Mohlerite” appointed to run a Southern Baptist entity, the latest in what is almost a complete take-over of the SBC by Albert Mohler and his towering influence. That someone … Read more

Proposed Bill puts Homeschooled Children in Same Category as Abused or Neglected

Editor’s Note: A question that lies before those who homeschool their children may well be: Do bills such as Iowa’s HF272 establish a fundamental right of the state in the lives of children over those of their parents? [Shane Vander Hart | CaffeinatedThoughts] Iowa House Democrats’ assault on homeschooling families in 2019 continues in the … Read more

Missouri Supreme Court Ends Satanic Temple Member Mary Doe’s Case Against Informed Consent Abortion Law

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] Missouri Satanists lost another battle in court Wednesday against a pro-life state law. The state Supreme Court dismissed the case by “Mary Doe,” a Satanic Temple member who disagrees with the Missouri informed consent laws on abortion, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The case has been thrown out in court multiple … Read more

Brannon Howse Gets Flagged on Right Wing Watch

Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend just won the distinct honor of being flagged on Right Wing Watch. His comments about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are apparently beyond the pale. RWW posts: Howse said that Ocasio-Cortez represents a very serious threat to this nation because she has “no reverence whatsoever” for her position and “is disgracing her office … Read more

What Does it Take to Get Banned from Twitter? Facts: ‘Women aren’t Men’

[Martin M. Barillas | LifeSiteNews] Feminist writer Meghan Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Twitter because she was banned by the social media giant after she criticized so-called transgender people. A Canadian, Murphy frequently writes on gender politics and is the founder of Feminist Current, an influential feminist website. In 2017, she spoke before the Senate of … Read more

It’s Official: James MacDonald Removed as Senior Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Effective Today

Editor’s Note: The elders of Harvest Bible Chapel released the following announcement to their congregation this morning (dateline February 13, 2019). Dear Harvest Bible Chapel Family: It is with great sadness that we as the Elders of Harvest Bible Chapel wish to convey to you a very recent development that has caused us to take … Read more

Twitter Enraged: The Callousness of Esquire to Feature White Teen during Black History Month

[RT | USA News] Esquire magazine has stepped on something of a cultural landmine with its latest feature piece, detailing the life of a young white, middle-class teenage boy. Both the timing and the article’s subject have irked many on Twitter. The piece in question, titled “The Life of an American Boy at 17,” covers the trials and … Read more