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“Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald”: Julie Roys’ Response

[Julie Roys] I never thought I would hear an evangelical, mega-church pastor talk about planting child pornography on the computer of an executive at a Christian publication. But today, Chicago radio personality Mancow Muller played shocking clips of someone sounding exactly like Harvest Bible Chapel Pastor James MacDonald discussing putting child porn on the computer … Read more

Charisma News: Demons Are Attracted to Burnt Eggs

Charismaticsm is basically a different religion from Christianity altogether. It’s basically witchcraft mixed with superstition, with a slight dousing of words from the Christian lexicon. It sounds Christian-like, but its bizarreness and pagan superstition is really off the charts. Charisma News has run an article today recalling how burnt eggs attracted a demon. The story … Read more

Chris Pratt Defends Hillsong-Affiliated Celebrity Church, Says Neither He Nor They Are Anti-Gay

Be careful who you make into a Christian celebrity. This should be the warning found nearly every time evangelicals make a hero out of a Hollywood celebrity who has a public Jesusy moment. In defense of his Hillsong-affiliated church, actor Chris Pratt claims that neither he nor they are anti-LGBTQ. After Chris Pratt vaguely mentioned … Read more

Instead of Discussing Abortion, “Evangelicals for Life” Event Argued for Lighter Penalties for Criminals, Racial Justice

Thirteen months ago, Pulpit & Pen warned you that Russell Moore was intentionally changing the definition of what it means to be pro-life. Moore has broadened the term to fit in his entire progressive agenda under that term. Hosting a round-table at the Evangelicals for Life event several weeks ago, the “pro-life” theme was used … Read more

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Says You Don’t Need Health Care if You’ve Got Jesus

Why is Neil Cavuto talking to a guy best known for making duck calls on the Fox Business Channel? No idea. Robertson, a lay minister in the Campbellite Church of Christ – which teaches baptism is necessary for justification – was rebuffing congresswoman Kamala Harris’ socialist propositions for single-payer universal health care. While we appreciate … Read more

Democrat Objects to Protecting the Unborn if Born-Alive Despite Intended for Death, Blocks Unanimous Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA, blocked the unanimous passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today, a bill which would have required doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive during failed abortions. This was a unanimous consent vote, a mechanism under which the bill passes the U.S. Senate if no … Read more

Alveda King: Northam ”Stop Agreeing to Kill Little Human Beings in the Womb”

[LifeNews] Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday and called on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam to apologize for “agreeing to kill little babies” in the womb. “Well, the Democrats and many people are stuck in skin color racism,” King said. “[Northam] needs to rescind all of that. … Read more

If You’re a Democrat, You’re Probably Not Saved

[Reformation Charlotte] I’m getting really sick of this push for “unity” in the Church among people across the entire political spectrum–the argument is really tiring. I get it, the vast majority of people on both sides of the political equation are lost. In fact, many have grasped on to conservative politics as a sort of … Read more

Three Things You Need to Know About David Barton

David Barton is the unofficial historian of American right-wing Christianity. Through his organization, WallBuilders, he regularly hosts groups of pastors in Washington, DC for briefings with Christian congressman and “spiritual heritage tours.” He also travels across the country speaking at local churches about the Christian heritage of the United States. He is the author of numerous … Read more

Censored: See the Meme that’s Getting Christians Banned All Over Facebook

Facebook has waged war on science. Even though the American psychiatric community is in agreement that misgendering yourself is a mental disorder, Facebook has decided that reality is against their community standards. A new graphic, or meme, is circulating on Facebook and countless Christians (or others who embrace medical science) have been banned for sharing … Read more

JD Greear Calls Greed Equally Sinful as Homosexuality & Same-Sex Attraction

This past Sunday on January 27, 2019 Pastor, JD Greear of Summit Life Church, preached a sermon entitled How the Fall Affects Us All. In this hour and a half sermon, Pastor Greear addresses the topic of Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction (SSA). This sermon is part of his series, The Book of Romans. In this … Read more

The Domino Effect: Will States Fall One by One to Legalize Unrestrained Murder in the Womb?

Editor’s Note: The following States currently have Bills before their respective (not hardly respected) state legislators including Vermont, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Mexico. Abortion rights activists are working manically to protect the right of states to provide state sanctioned unrestrained and unrestricted murder of the unborn should Roe vs Wade be turned over or lessened … Read more