Editor’s Note: Julie Roys has made an announcement on her Facebook Wall that pro-life organizers have set a date, February 23, 2019, for a national day of mourning for unborn babies murdered in America since the passage of Roe vs Wade.
For those who are unfamiliar with Julie Roys, I’ve included her biography from her Facebook page below:

Julie Roys posted the following:
Pro-life activists are calling for a national Day of Mourning, following New York’s passage of a bill making it legal to perform abortions up to the day of a baby’s birth.
The Day of Mourning day is set for February 23. And on that day, organizers are calling on pro-life Americans to shut down their businesses, wear black, and repent of their apathy on this issue.
“Forty-six years of the state sanctioned killing of our most helpless and defenseless children should cause us to weep, to mourn, and to take action,” the Day of Mourning campaign said. “What is to be thought of a society that kills her own children? What will the future be of such a heartless society that celebrates such barbaric inhumanity?”
Organizer and pastor Jon Speed said since announcing the campaign, he’s received many heartbreaking messages from women who have had abortions, and deeply regret it.
“We had a volunteer here going through the voicemails and she finally said I can’t listen to it anymore,” Speed said. “And we asked her why and she said because people are calling and about half-way through their messages they start weeping. It was emotionally draining. There are a lot of heartbroken people out there.”
I’ve interviewed many post-abortive women over the years, and I can attest that this is true. This is what the pro-choice activists touting women’s rights always ignore. Abortion not only kills an innocent baby, it scars human souls. I’m all-in for this Day of Mourning.
“’Even now,’ declares the Lord,
‘return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning.’
“Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.” Joel 2:12-13
May the only true and living thrice holy Triune God have mercy on this country.