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Legal in California to Dismember the Unborn: Bill Introduced to Prohibit Animal Dissection

[Dave Urbanski | The Blaze] A California state assembly bill introduced last week would prohibit animal dissections in public and private school through grade 12. How to score massive gains from this controversial investment revealed The proposed amendment to state education code goes further than present language, which states that students “with a moral objection to dissecting … Read more

The Africans Who Stopped White Liberals From Further Ruining the United Methodist Church

Contrary to some news reports, conservatives did not “take over” the United Methodist Church. Although the proposal to affirm sodomy failed at this week’s 2019 General Conference – and its failure was indeed a surprise – nothing is changing about the United Methodist Church. The denomination is still the rainbow-splattered mess it’s been for decades, … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #30 – Officials Voted in Because of their Religious Beliefs

This entry is part 30 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” Romans 13:1 This post is the thirtieth in a series that addresses a list of “40 Harmful Effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has since made … Read more

Vatican Treasurer, Cardinal Pell Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse in Australia

[Meslissa Dave’s | The Guardian] Cardinal George Pell, once the third most powerful man in the Vatican and Australia’s most senior Catholic, has been found guilty of child sexual abuse after a trial in Melbourne. A jury delivered the unanimous verdict on 11 December in Melbourne’s county court, but the result was subject to a suppression order … Read more

Planned Parenthood calls Trump’s Cutting of $60M from Title X Taxpayer Funding a “Gag Rule”

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] The abortion giant Planned Parenthood quickly slammed President Donald Trump on Friday for cutting its taxpayer funding through the Title X program. Planned Parenthood, which does more than 330,000 abortions a year and calls abortion its “core mission,” would lose about $60 million under the new Trump administration rule. That is in addition … Read more

CA Democrats Introduce LGBTQ Bill that would Protect Pedophiles who Rape Children

Editor’s Note: It’s becoming more apparent with each passing day that another kind of purported sexual orientation is being pushed as normative, Pedophilia. Last year, Mirjam Heine, a German medical student gave a TEDxTalk “Why perception of pedophilia has to change.” Included in her basic premise, “pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for … Read more

United Methodists Likely to Fully Affirm Sodomy this Weekend

There are more than 12 million United Methodists worldwide and more than 4 thousand are meeting in Saint Louis from Saturday to Monday. Of these, more than 800 are voting delegates who will ultimately decide where the United Methodist Church stands on the topic of homosexuality. Many might have assumed that the United Methodist Church … Read more

“Pedophilia Wormhole”: Sexual Exploitation of Children Operating in Plain Sight on YouTube

Editor’s Note: In the article below you’ll find the video YouTube is Facilitating the Sexual Exploitation of Children, and it’s Being Monetized. A  WARNING: The video is disturbing in nature. Nothing is blurred out nor is it audio only. Viewer should use discretion. [Natasha Lomas | TechCrunch] More than a year on from a child safety content … Read more