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Student Suspended for Displaying “Anti-Gay” Bible Verses

[CBN] An Ohio high school student is speaking out after she received a suspension for posting Bible verses on walls and lockers in response to a collection of LGBT “pride” flags that decorated the hallways. In a video posted to Facebook last Friday, Gabby Helsinger claims that she is being punished for allegedly “targeting” the … Read more

FDA: Abortion Providers Must Immediately Cease Online Sales of Dangerous Abortion Pills

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] The Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters last week to two abortion groups that are selling dangerous abortion drugs to American women over the internet. The groups are putting women at “significant health risks,” according to the agency. They allow women to buy the drugs online without ever seeing a … Read more

For the Clayton Jennings Fans: A Summary of the Facts *Updated*

Two years after first reporting on Clayton Jennings’ betrayal of ministerial trust, spiritual abuse and sexual use of his followers, and one year after the last article we published on the subject, Jennings began to unravel on social media the weekend before last. Driving across the country with my children, I began to receive texts … Read more

Bethel School of Ministry Student Expelled for Opposing False Doctrine

[Reformation Charlotte] Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is a school operated by Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Under the leadership of Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, the school boasts a full curriculum with a focus on the Apostolic sign gifts. The Apostolic sign gifts — which were given to the Apostles and those closely associated … Read more

Man Angry His Photo Used to Prove All Hipsters Look Alike – Learns it wasn’t Him

[CBC Radio] A man threatened to sue a technology magazine for using his image in a story about why all hipsters look the same, only to find out the picture was of a completely different guy. The story in the MIT Technology Review detailed a study about the so-called hipster effect — “the counterintuitive phenomenon in which people who oppose … Read more

Great News: “Life Prayer Campaign” Saved 31 Unborn Babies from Abortion in First Week

[Shawn Carney | LifeNews] Just 5 days in, we already know of 31 babies saved from abortion through YOUR prayers! On a rainy Memphis day, an abortion-bound couple refused assistance from a trained sidewalk counselor named Tara. But before long, the man exited Planned Parenthood, offering to help shield vigil participants’ materials from the rain. Was he … Read more

“Indulging My Fiction”: Transgender Activism has Created a Culture of Fear Among Medical Professionals

Editor’s Note: The following is the story of Jamie Shupe, a veteran of the United States Army, and the first American to win the right to obtain non-binary status after challenging Oregon state law. In his own words, Jamie Shupe takes you on his self-described “grand medical experiment,” show-casing how activism in the transgender community … Read more

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile Lauds Foul-Mouthed Gun-Grabber

Albert Mohler recently said at the Shepherd’s Conference Q&A that those people he ‘platforms’ speaks for his position on Social Justice. That’s a fair assessment, and we agree completely. Albert Mohler platforms, through Southern Seminary, The Gospel Coalition (he is a council member) and his social media the most radical leftists in evangelicalism. Most recently, … Read more

British Women Fear Eco-Armageddon: No More Children

Editor’s Note: Those who want to join in the efforts of BirthStrike are required to agree with the BirthStrike declaration. Which reads: We, the undersigned, declare our decision to not bear children due to the severity of the ecological crisis and the current inaction of governing forces in the face if this existential threat. Insecurity of … Read more

Alabama Teen Allowed to Sue on Behalf of Aborted Baby

[Caleb Parke | Fox News] A teenager in Alabama is suing an abortion clinic for terminating the life of his unborn child against his wishes. On Tuesday, an Alabama county court recognized the aborted fetus, “Baby Roe,” as a plaintiff in the lawsuit, making the case one of the first of its kind, his lawyer said. Ryan Magers, 19, of Madison … Read more

Martina Navratilova Backtracks After Accused of Hate Speech

[BBC | Sport] Tennis icon Martina Navratilova has apologised for using the term “cheating” when discussing whether transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sport. Navratilova – one of the most successful tennis players of all time – has been criticised as “transphobic” for writing that transgender women had “unfair” physical advantages over … Read more