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U.S. Federal Judge Strikes Down the 1973 North Carolina 20-Week Abortion Ban

On Monday, U.S. District Judge William Osteen struck down North Carolina’s 20-week abortion ban legislation enacted in 1973. North Carolina 20-week Abortion Ban allowed abortions during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and only after 20 weeks due to a medical emergency. In 2016, after the definition of medical emergencies were further narrowed, the Center … Read more

ACLU Lawsuit Settled: Michigan Same-Sex Couples can Freely Adopt Children

In September 2017, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU) filed suit against the State of Michigan on the behalf two same-sex couples and a woman who was once in Michigan’s foster care system. The suit maintained that both “state-contracted” and “tax-funded” (which includes faith-based organizations) child placement agencies unconstitutionally used sex-orientation religious criteria … Read more

LGBT Activists at Liberty U Outraged the Falwell Family is Raising Granddaughter as a Girl

Jerry Falwell Jr. recently said that his family was raising his granddaughter as a girl. LGBT activists at Liberty University – the nation’s largest Christian college – are outraged. Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities, founded by the well-known conservative firebrand and Moral Majority leader, Jerry Falwell, has been going steadily left culturally, … Read more

Three Things You Need to Know About William Lane Craig

In the last few years, William Lane Craig has surpassed Ravi Zacharais as evangelicalism’s foremost Christian Apologist. Craig’s name is most often associated with his ministry organization Reasonable Faith, which is also the name of his most popular book and his weekly podcast. Here are three things you need know about William Lane Craig. 1. … Read more

“What is Your Religious Tradition?” ‘Nones’ Tied with Evangelicals, Catholics

[Jack Jenkins | Religious News Service] In a shift that stands to impact both religion and politics, survey data suggests that the percentage of Americans who don’t affiliate with any specific religious tradition is now roughly the same as those who identify as evangelical or Catholic. According to newly released General Social Survey data analyzed by … Read more

Pro-Lifers Packed the Illinois Capital Rotunda, Police Temporarily Shut Down Access

[Micaiah Bulger | LifeNews] Pro-lifers flooded the Illinois Capitol on Wednesday in opposition to several radical pro-abortion bills that would allow unborn babies to be aborted up to birth. The Illinois News Network reports so many people showed up for the peaceful pro-life rally that police temporarily closed access to the capitol due to “overcrowding.” Photos … Read more

Praise God. Lifeway to Close All Stores!

Lifeway is the largest retailer of heresy in the world. It is also the retail and sales arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. Peddling books from Oneness Pentecostals and other anti-Trinitarians, Roman Catholics, Properity Preachers, New Age mystics, omen-interpreters, Word-Faith Theologians, and even pro-gay activists, this entity of the Southern Baptist Convention has announced today … Read more

SBC Newspaper, Word and Way, Says Pulpit & Pen is “Anti-Semitic” for Criticizing George Soros

Several months ago, I received correspondence from a publication called ‘Word and Way.‘ which reports on Missouri Southern Baptist news. I read it growing up, back when it was the de facto news publication of the Missouri Baptist Convention in my then native state. Brian Kaylor, the current editor and president of the publication reached … Read more

SEBTS Says White Ministers Shouldn’t Pastor Mixed-Ethnicity Churches

Cultural Marxism takes various forms and goes by various names, including Critical Race Theory, Multiculturalism, and Intersectionality. Essentially, it all has the same underlying purpose, which is to cause division. Economic Marxism sought to cause division between the classes and pit the proletariat against the borgeouis to bring political change. Cultural Marxism, the kind and … Read more

Gospel Coalition Says God Raised up “Same-Sex Attracted Christians” to Lead Us

The Gospel Coalition, a subversive political organization funded by suspect financial sources, posted an article earlier today telling Christians that we should get behind ‘faithful’ Same-Sex Attracted Christians who God has raised up to lead us. The progressive organization, who has as an editor and contributor a gay Anglican priest named Sam Allberry, has steadily … Read more

Upon His Death: Pope Praises Cardinal who Concealed Sex Abuse as “Zealous Pastor”

[Claire Chretien | Lifesite News] Close papal collaborator Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who was caught on tape encouraging a sex abuse victim to remain silent and “acknowledge your own guilt,” has died at 85. The Pope has already issued praise for the deceased heterodox cardinal, calling him a “zealous pastor” who was “attentive to the … Read more

Senate Debates Emergency Funds Border Wall Bill, Trump Vows to Veto if Not Passed

[Amanda Becker, Richard Cowan | Reuters] Washington – The U.S. Senate began debating a proposal on Thursday to terminate President Donald Trump’s declaration of an emergency at the southern border, with enough Republicans indicating they would support the measure for it to pass, with Trump vowing a veto. Passage of the legislation would mark the … Read more