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60 Million Plus Abortions: Hillary Clinton Claims Women Will Die without Unlimited Access to Abortion

[Laurette Brown | Townhall] Twice-failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tweeted an article Wednesday by Ilyse Hogue, the head of the abortion advocacy group NARAL, arguing that abortion restrictions will lead to women’s deaths. “When anti-choice politicians limit access to reproductive care, women die,” Clinton tweeted. She encouraged her followers to … Read more

“Anointed Preaching that Demands a Response”: Manifestations of Demonic Activity Should be Commonplace

There is a fascination with demonic manifestations among those in the Charismatic Movement, specifically that the gospel is not anointed preaching unless there is evidence of demonic activity in the church. According to them, the cries and shrieks of the demonically possessed is demonstrative of an “anointed, convicted preached sermon has taken place. Without these … Read more

Human Trafficking Coyotes Portrayed as “Humanitarians” by CBS News

[Josh Hammer | The DAILYWIRE] On Saturday, CBS News posted a rather unusual story that seems to mollycoddle and glorify a group of individuals of a rather unique “profession”: Human smugglers. Yes, really. Per CBS News: Along the Panama-Colombia border lies 60 miles of dense forest where smugglers known as coyotes guide migrants seeking passage north, for the … Read more

Dueling GoFundMe Campaigns Over Proposed Homeless Shelter in Wealthy San Francisco Neighborhood

[Sarah Ruiz-Grossman | Huff Post] San Francisco residents have launched warring GoFundMe campaigns over plans for a new homeless shelter in a wealthy neighborhood. One wants to raise money for lawyers to fight the proposal. The other supports the idea of the shelter and is seeking funds for a local homeless services group. Early this … Read more

“Evil” and Politically Motivated: Stacey Abrams Decries Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] Pro-abortion politician Stacey Abrams slammed a Georgia bill as “evil” on Sunday because it protects unborn babies from abortion once their heartbeats are detectable. Abrams, who lost to pro-life Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in 2018, criticized pro-life lawmakers and the heartbeat bill during a rally in Dalton, Georgia, according to the Times … Read more

Whistleblower Website Scuttled by Team Clayton Jennings: Find Photo Evidence HERE. Warning: GRAPHIC IMAGES

Please proceed with caution, as we do not desire anyone to stumble into sin with either lust or unbridled anger. Pulpit & Pen has been informed by Rabbi Christopher Frederickson that allegedly “Clayton Jennings’ has somehow taken down his website.” It seems Jenning’s has attempted to hack both Pulpit & Pen’s website and Jordan Hall’s … Read more

Colored Only, No Whites Allowed: White Reporters Barred from Baptist Church Holding Mayoral Event

[Eric Curl | OnlineAthens] SAVANNAH, Ga | Race was front and center on Wednesday night during a meeting coordinated to garner support for just one black candidate in Savannah’s mayoral election. With signs stating “Black press only” on the doors of the church where the meeting was held, white reporters were barred from entry, while … Read more

The ‘Crushing’ News that Dr. Willie Parker, a Favorite of Murderers is accused of Sexual Misconduct

Dr. Willie Parker, the chair of the Board of Physicians for Reproductive Health known for his blatant remarks and cavalier descriptions of abortion has been accused of sexual misconduct by Candace Russell, a pro-abortion activist. It’s apparent that the wickedness of Parker knows no bounds. He not only claimed that he “finds fulfillment as a … Read more

Pompeo: “Backdoor Abortion Funding Schemes will be Strictly Prohibited”

[Aliya Kuykendall | The Stream] American taxpayer dollars will not be used to underwrite abortions,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in briefing from the State Department Tuesday. Pompeo made two announcements Tuesday morning concerning the State Department’s efforts to make sure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are not used to either subsidize or promote abortions. … Read more

Pro-Family, Chick-fil-A Banned from San Antonio International Airport

[Gwen Ilhat | The TakeOut] Popular chicken-sandwich franchise Chick-fil-A wasin plans to join a number of new restaurants in Terminal A at the San Antonio International Airport. But ThinkProgress, a news website from an advocacy organization, reported last week that “the Chick-fil-A Foundation donated $1.8 million to groups that discriminate against the LGBTQ community in 2017, including the … Read more

Vatican Life Academy Sees No Moral Dilemma Using Vaccines Made from the Cells of Murdered Babies

[Doug Mainwaring | LifesiteNews] In a stunning declaration, the Pontifical Academy for Life — now populated entirely with Pope Francis appointments — has urged parents to vaccinate their children, even if the vaccines are derived from aborted babies.   The issue made national headlines this month when a Catholic family sued a local health department … Read more