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John MacArthur Finds Out Romans 13 Requires Nuance

John MacArthur is rightly considered one of the most faithful pastors alive, a sentiment with which I agree. I begin with that confession so as to alleviate the concern I’m just another “MacArthur says to take the Mark of the Beast” type critic (and yet I doubt it will buy me much good-will). If you’re … Read more

Pro-life Advocates Dispute Claim that Roe vs. Wade Plaintiff Norma McMorvey Was Secretly Pro-choice.

Editors note. This is a companion piece to our article Roe vs. Wade Plaintiff was Paid to Pretend to be Anti-Abortion: ‘I am a Good Actress’. Both stories cannot be true, assuming the quotes are not taken out of context, and we wanted to give both sides. (Life News) Pro-life advocates who personally knew Norma … Read more

Francis Chan Explains How He Became a Bill-Johnson-Loving Charismatic

Francis Chan brought some clarity to his journey from relatively sound Master’s seminary graduate and pastor, to itinerant charismatic faith healer when he took part in an online-conference “The Unveiling” on May 15. Sharing the scene Asher Intrator, Bill Johnson, David Demian, Diane Bickle, Mike Bickle, and Tabitha Lemaire, their purpose was to “come together … Read more

70+ Healing Ministries Unite for Online Conference after In-Person Gathering Canceled due to COVID-19 Fears

The International Association of Healing Ministries cancelled their massive conference that was to take place in Porta, Portugal this year, and instead will be having an online conference instead due to being constrained by the coronavirus. We reached out and asked the logical question of why not just have the event and heal everyone, given … Read more

Steven Furtick’s Wardrobe Costs More Than Your House

The Instagram account Preachersnsneakers has been on a roll lately, showcasing the excesses of celebrity Christian pastors by identifying the clothing they’re wearing on stage and trying to figure out how much they retail for. It’s a great shrine to the love of filthy lucre, as where else can you see Ed Young Jr. wearing … Read more

‘Hold-my-beer Greear’ Dives Headfirst into an Empty Pool over Ahmaud Arbery Slaying

As woke evangelicals foment and virtue-twerk all over social media regarding the tragic death of Ahmaud Arbery, declaring that the event was a modern-day lynching, that he was purposefully hunted by racist “whites” because he was “black,” and that any African-American out for a jog faces the real threat of being stalked and strung up … Read more

Pro-Choice Small-Group Leader at SBC President’s Church Authors Anti-White “Statement of Lament”

(Reformation Charlotte) If you haven’t read the ridiculous “Statement of Lament” published by Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear’s Summit Church, you can do so at this link. The statement, in the wake of the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, reads, “To our fellow members of The Summit Church: As white American Christians, we offer the … Read more

Former Hillsong Worship ‘Pastor’ Darlene Zschech Sells Oceanside Mansion for $4.4 Million

World-renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech, famous for being the face of Hillsong Worship and writing the worship standard “Shout to the Lord”, has sold her oceanside mansion for over $4,000,000. The best-selling musician made her home alongside Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston at Hillsong Church for over 25 years, serving as “worship pastor” of the … Read more

Terrifying Video of Children ‘Speaking in Tongues’ Emerges

East Coast “Apostle” Ryan Lestrange shared a promo on Facebook for an upcoming conference he’s having tonight, where he’ll be teaming up with Kids in Ministry International to lead young children in teaching on the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” at an event called “The Groan.” The video features Becky Fisher, known for being the … Read more

Pro-life Republican Defeats Pro-choice Dem in California Special Election

Republicans ran over the Democrats tonight in a special election that saw them reclaim a Calfornia House seat that theylost in the 2018 midterms. The special election was called after Katie Hill, a Democrat, resigned in fireworks and flames after her wayward behavior involving sexcapades and being part of a “throuple” came to light. Democrat … Read more

Sid Roth Claims 95% Success Rate in Converting Unbelieving Israelis

Sid Roth is up to no good these days. When he’s not platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he himself is telling tall tales about his exploits while his gullible audience eats up every word and praise him for his “keen insights” and “supernatural favor.” During a … Read more

Pope on Twitter: ‘World Religions Invited to Unite Spiritually in Prayer and Fasting’

Pope Francis continued his wayward schemes by inviting believers of every religion- Muslims, Animists, Neo-Pagans, Charismatics, Satanists, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Christians, Jainists, Shintoism, Jedists, and every other religion under the sun to ” unite themselves spiritually in a day of prayer, fasting and works of charity, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus.” … Read more

Andy Stanley: ‘Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible’

Andy Stanley appeared at a couple of conferences this past week and said some very unfortunate things. [Editor’s note: it is called Antinomian heresy.] He spoke at both Rethink Leadership, a conference specifically designed for senior pastors that took place April 29-May 1, 2020, and also the Orange conference, which took place the same day. … Read more