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After Fixating on ‘Social Justice,’ SBC Suffers Record Loss in Members

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States and a one-time conservative network of autonomous churches, has suffered a record decline in membership, attendance, and baptisms after fixating heavily on “social justice.” Question: What if honored SBC leaders are not only incapable of fixing the denomination’s decline, but they were in … Read more

Bishop More Upset at Trump Taking Pictures in Front of Church than at Arsonists who Tried to Burn it Down

President Trump stood before the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Washington, DC, late Monday evening, in a move that has outraged critics and the leaders of the church. Known as the “church of the presidents.” St. John’s Episcopal Church was built in 1815 and every president since James Madison has attended at least … Read more

Militant Butch Lady Preacher Says White Hymn-Writers Never Experienced Suffering

In November of 2018, Jackie Hill Perry tweeted out that the Gospel did not belong to the “white man.” I tweeted out the obvious; neither is Christianity the exclusive property of militant, butch black women. The Internet then exploded. I haven’t been back to Twitter since. Apparently, militant butch black women can say any horrendous … Read more

Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Interviews Trinity-Denier T.D. Jakes in Lieu of Church Service

Hillsong NYC, under the direction of Carl Lentz, chose to forgo a service on Sunday where he preached the word of God from the scriptures to his congregation, but rather invited Bishop T.D Jakes to have a conversation about the pandemic, the killing of George Floyd, racial reconciliation, and the riots happening in the streets. … Read more

Mayor Gives Masks to Crowding Rioters after Decrying In-person Church Services as ‘Public Health Disasters’

Just days after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey warned that allowing churches to open up for in-person services, even at 25% capacity would be a “public health disaster” for the city, his government announced they would be providing protective masks to the closely packed-together protestors and rioters who are running rampant through the city, and unsurprisingly … Read more

‘I Am Second’ Features False Converts Carrie Underwood and Husband Mike Fisher

Country superstar Carrie Underwood and husband Mike Fisher have partnered with I Am Second to launch a new digital short series where the couple candidly and openly discuss their faith, family and the highs and lows they’ve had in their marriage. “We wanted to do this to share some of our personal journey in hopes … Read more

ERLC Official Uses Platform to Attack SBC Whistleblowers

The assurances and claims from Albert Mohler and Danny Akin that their seminaries haven’t experienced “liberal drift” have been exposed as absurdly fraudulent, thanks largely to the work of SEBTS graduate, Jon Harris. Using video, writings, and personal testimonies of students and professors, Harris has led a string of whistleblowers to testify credibly to what … Read more

How Far Will the ‘Romans 13’ Crowd Go to Submit to Government?

When we use the term ‘Romans 13 Crowd‘ we refer to those who refuse to apply basic scriptural exposition to the passage or who refuse to apply context to their application of the passage. These Christians insist that asking questions to help our understanding and inform our obedience to the Scripture is “placing the Constitution … Read more

Spurgeon Corrects Phil Johnson’s Convenient Interpretation of Hebrews 10:25

Phil Johnson is feeling a bit testy in recent days, apparently feeling fatigued from having to damage-control the social media circus caused by Grace Community Church’s ping-ponging indecision on whether or not to open for services. And given their very public halting betwixt opinions, his annoyance is certainly understandable, albeit self-induced. First, Grace Community Church … Read more

48% of Churchgoers Have Not Watched any Online Services in Last 4 Weeks

The Barna Group is reporting some devastating survey results regarding the online habits of Christians that have been streaming online services during the pandemic while their churches have shut down. The results are depressing, but not unexpected when you consider the weight of what these churches committed to. We cannot find the study yet or … Read more

Todd White Given Copy of ‘American Gospel’ Movie: Calls it ‘Demonically Inspired’

A video made the rounds late last night which features arch-heretic Todd White reacting – less than positively – at finding out he was featured in the American Gospel movie. The film was given to him by a friend, who was hoping he would repent of his theological chicanery, but it was not to be … Read more

Woman Sued by Ravi Zacharias Asks to be Released from NDA

The woman who was sued by the recently deceased Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias is asking his family to release her from her non-disclosure agreement (NDA) so that she can tell her side of the story about what transpired between them in the wake of his death. The story of why that NDA was signed and … Read more