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Bethel Music Under Fire for Putting on Impromptu Concert at George Floyd Memorial

Bethel Church has come under fire for being “opportunisric white colonizers” after Bethel Music musicians visited the George Floyd Memorial in Minneapolis and put on an impromptu worship concert, complete with all the charismatic shenanigans that accompany such an event. Sean Feutch, a worship leader at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, brought … Read more

A Letter of Sincere Apology to the Black Community

We have been deeply moved in recent days by apology letters or public declarations of lament written on behalf of predominately Caucasian Christian organizations to our black friends and neighbors. As Christians in the Baptist tradition, we especially took note of Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, championing the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ in his … Read more

Barna Study: Only ‘Three in 10 Churchgoers Have had Contact with a Church Leader in the Last Month’

As COVID-19 shelter in place measures wind down, it is pretty evident that Churches who chose to discontinue meeting together, either in person or through means such as a drive-in church, and instead chose to take everything online these past few months, had been met with disastrous results. We previously reported that 48% of Churchgoers … Read more

VIDEO: “CHAZ” Protestors Sexually Assault/Choke Street Preacher

The “Capitol Hill Free Zone” (CHAZ) is a six-block area of Seattle taken over by warlords in the name of racial equality. Using the death of petty criminal, George Floyd, as an excuse to riot, steal, and vandalize public and private property, the gangsters have run off the police and erected a border wall around … Read more

Activist Group Amasses over 11,000 Signatures in 3 days to Fire Albert Mohler from SBTS

Faithful America, a radical “Christian” organization that describes itself as “the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice” has amassed over 11,000 signatures for an online petition in an effort to fire Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler for “enabling racism and attacking the Episcopal Church” as well as … Read more

The PCA’s 2020 ‘Ad Interim Report on Human Sexuality’ is a Hot Mess of Downgrade

When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church on October 31, 1517, the unexpected result was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Luther still believed in purgatory, the supremacy of the Pope, the immaculate conception, and even the right use of indulgences at that time. His intention was to attack the … Read more

Who are the Groups Baptisting And Having Church Service at Minneapolis Protests?

As the protests rage on in Minneapolis and the city continues to churn and fulminate, several Christian ministries have descended upon the burned-out city and put boots on the ground at the location where George Floyd was killed by a police officer, and are spreading the message of Jesus far and wide. Church services are … Read more

Awana Abandons Its First Love for ‘Woke Religion’

There’s been no shortage of parachurch ministries that have gone ‘woke’ in the last several years. Most notably, organizations for young adults like Cru (formerly Campus Crusades for Christ) and InterVarsity have traded the real Gospel for the Popularity Gospel. But agonizingly, the leftists have even set their eyes on children. Awana is the latest … Read more

Southern Baptist President Says Supporting “Black Lives Matter” is a ‘Gospel Issue’

Earlier today, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, JD Greear, used his annual address to promote social justice, signal his virtue, call for affirmative action in denominational hiring, and support Black Lives Matter. Greear gave his annual address virtually because the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting was canceled due to the Cornavirus Panic of … Read more

Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore has been relatively silent through most of the last week’s protests and riots, with only a few general comments here and there. She supports the protest, of course, and in fact, informs that many of the staff at Livin Proof Ministries have been marching, and she hopes to join them soon. But as … Read more

Pastor Who Tore Up ‘Cease and Desist Letter’ Under Renewed Threat From Government Bullies

The Maryland pastor who made national news when he took to the pulpit and publicly tore up a cease-and-desist letter issued to him by the local government for having in-person services as he proclaimed, “Newsflash: Pharoah doesn’t get to dictate to God’s people how they worship their God!” has issued a fiery response to Baltimore … Read more

Interview with the Guy who Gave Todd White ‘American Gospel DVD’ and Costi Hinn Letter

A video made the round a few weeks ago of arch-heretic Todd White reacting to finding out he was featured in the American Gospel movie. The film was given to him by a friend, who was hoping he would repent of his theological chicanery, but it was not to be so. White reacted rather poorly … Read more

Ternae Jordan and the Hamilton County Baptists

On June 5th, churches from the Hamilton County Baptist Association in Chattanooga, Tennessee participated in a prayer rally which the Association advertised as “Churches United in Prayer for Racial Justice and Reconciliation” at Mt. Canaan Baptist Church on Highway 58. The rally was organized in the wake of nationwide riots which were themselves preceded by … Read more