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The Gospel Coalition Might, May, Possibly, Sorta, Maybe, Likely, Want Churches to Stop Congregational Singing

As churches across the nation finally start to gather again for Sunday services in obedience to God’s Word (after several months of disobedience), there is no shortage of authorities who are seeking to regulate how it must be done. In Germany, churches that are open have stopped singing altogether – a condition imposed by the government in order to be allowed to have services. Other governments are recommending that … Read more

Cancer Closes in on Ravi Zacharias: ‘They have done all they are able…

Ravi Zacharia’s daughter shared a grievous and sobering update on her father’s health condition Friday night, writing “this cancer is very rare in its aggression and that no options for further treatment remain. Medically speaking, they have done all they are able.” The world-renown Christian apologist and best selling author who has defended and debated … Read more

Pray For Healing for Paul Washer

Editors Note. Though not strictly news in the sense that this site is accustomed to, we saw recently that Paul Washer was headed out to SC for further surgeries: and that the surgery went well. Therefore we wanted to use the opportunity of this non-news story as a flimsy pretext to encourage all the saints … Read more

Pope Encourages Muslims to Pray to Allah During Universal Day of Prayer

Pope Francis has endorsed the call to “the believers of all the religions to unite together spiritually on May 14 in a day of prayer and fasting, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic.” The idea of this universal day of prayer comes from the High Committee for Human Fraternity, which originated … Read more

Church’s Online Service Invaded with Child Pornography

(Montana Daily Gazette) Perhaps “virtual church services” aren’t as good as the real thing after all. In what amounts to possibly the worst act of online terrorism possible, a church in Billings has had its Zoom worship service invaded with child pornography. Even though Governor Bullock gave permission to churches to meet in person (with … Read more

Pastors Who Claimed Government Can Shut Down Churches Should Be Put on Ecclesiastical Trial for Treason

Evangelical ‘leaders’ wagged their boney fingers at churches and lectured us about government power, insisting that churches could be ordered shut without violating the United States Constitution. However, the Department of Justice has now spoken, and they are authoritatively warning that the orders mandating church closures during the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 were prejudiced … Read more

Scholarly Refutation: Rosaria Butterfield Rebutted In New Book

Rosaria Butterfield’s The Gospel Comes With A House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World, an account which uses her own conversion story of radical lesbian to Christian housewife as a backdrop for telling how Christians can use “radical, ordinary hospitality” to bring the Gospel to lost friends and neighbors, has come under … Read more

Charisma News Explains how to Recognize False Prophets Without Mentioning False Prophecies

Charisma News, safe haven for every spiritual scoundrel out there, released an article on “How You Can Recognize Today’s False Prophets. The article links to a word from Pastor Jim Kibler of Life Church In Melborne, FL, where he explains how to identify false prophets in the church. Rather than pointing to Deuteronomy 18, showing … Read more

SBC’s National Day of Prayer Goes All-In on ‘NAR’s Seven Mountain Mandate’

The SBC Executive committee released a guide designed to support members during the upcoming National Day of Prayer. Captioned ‘How to pray the 2020 theme, Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth, into the Seven Centers of Influence in America for the National Day of Prayer, May 7, 2020.‘ The guide is the spitting image of … Read more

Harvard Anti-Homeschool Conference Cancelled!

A conference at Harvard Law School for critics and educators opposed to home education has been cancelled, according to sources. The “Homeschooling Summit: Problems, Politics, and Prospects for Reform” conference was sponsored by the Harvard Law School Child Advocacy Program and in cooperation with several anti-abuse groups. It was designed to “convene leaders in education … Read more

States That Forbid Public Worship Suffer Higher Coronavirus Infection Rates

While many have suggested that churches are especially susceptible to coronavirus infections and would put their entire communities at risk by continuing to meet, the figures are now in. States that forbade (and/or still forbidding) public worship gatherings have suffered far worse infection rates than states who made religious exemptions. Pew Research Center has analyzed … Read more

Study: Last Year Only 4% of Sermons Mentioned Abortion

” A new Pew Research Center analysis finds that just 4% of sermons shared on U.S. church websites in the spring of 2019 discussed abortion even once – and when they did, it was rarely mentioned repeatedly. “ To arrive at their conclusions, the center analyzed nearly 50,000 sermons either shared online or live-streamed by over … Read more

Lifeway Is Hurting And We’re Happy

It was recently announced that Lifeway Christian Resources is feeling the financial squeeze due to the coronavirus. Sales across key channels are down 25%, further downward trends are expected, and as a result they are cutting their budget some $30 million, or approximately 10%. This announcement follows in the wake of an earlier one where … Read more

Columbus Media Giant NBC4i Gaslights and Racebaits Instead of Reporting News

Guest Post by Michael Coughlin The COVID-19 situation has resulted in millions of Americans being stripped of their livelihoods. Hundreds of Ohioans have decided to love their neighbors through peaceful demonstrations outside the Ohio Statehouse, petitioning their government through the very means recognized by the Bill of Rights. One Ohio “journalist,” Colleen Marshall, has decided to question the first … Read more

Knoxville Bans Churches From Serving Communion

Knox County in Tennessee, which includes Knoxville, has told businesses to open May 1, but churches are forbidden from serving Communion because it’s not deemed as “core worship.” Worshippers were originally told they could reopen May 1 in coordination with Tennessee’s reopening plans decreed by Governor, but Knox County has its own health department and … Read more