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Kyle J. Howard Voting For Biden – Says Being Pro-Choice And Voting Democrat Isn’t THAT Bad

Kyle J. Howard went on one of the more morally repugnant and biblically faithless rants on social media yesterday, making several cases that can pretty much be summarized as “I’m voting for Biden because he’s not as bad as Trump, and there’s nothing wrong with voting Democrats because they actually want to reduce abortion, and … Read more

False Prophet Says His False Prophecies Prove His Prophecies Are True

Charismatic preachers are less accurate in their prophetic predictions than drunken meteorologists. In fact, coronavirus has proven that charismatics are far less accurate than that. Not a single charismatic leader prophesied the costliest health-related panic in history. Multitudes of charismatic leaders prophesied coronavirus would never come to America. Many more prophesied Christians would be immune. … Read more

Why Is Revoice’s Nate Collins Liking Gay Art?

Nate Collins, co-founder of the pro-LGBTQ ‘Christian’ Revoice Conference – endorsed by Southern Baptist leaders with the ERLC and certain members of the PCA –  has done another thing that makes people question what exactly his game is. In a recent Twitter post, burgeoning artists Kirk Raynor drew a picture of himself being cuddled on … Read more

Backlog of Sermon Audio

Sermon audio has been sitting in queue at Fellowship Baptist Church Sidney, with audio-video equipment being tossed to and fro to arrange for outdoor services in the wake of coronavirus. This is the backlog of content: March 15: Judgmentalism and Love This sermon was delivered at Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana by Pastor Jordan … Read more

Pastors Now Concerned Members Will Stay Home to Watch Online, Even When Lockdown Ends

[Christian News Network] A research organization that seeks to “consider attitudes and behaviors that significantly impact spiritual growth” says that some pastors are concerned that a percentage of professing Christians won’t attend church once the pandemic is past but will continue to stay home and watch online. “How church leaders plan and respond now will … Read more

Meghan McCain Says Praying During Coronavirus Panic is ‘Dangerous’

For some reason, when anti-religionists hear Christians ask for prayer they get really, really angry. Whether it’s a pandemic, “gun violence,” or some other horrific thing, there’s increasingly a hostile attitude toward people who turn to God. The “conservative” co-host of The View, Meghan McCain, spoke hatred towards faith in an interview with Watch What … Read more

Kenneth Copeland Says God Foiled Devil’s Plans For COVID-19 By Cleaning up Atmosphere

Kenneth Copeland, professed billionaire and MBABIC -that’s ‘Michael Brown Affirmed Brother In Christ’ for the uninitiated- continues to delight meme-makers who have taken to utilizing his sermons and making wonderfully entertaining videos out of them. Gesticulating wildly, Copeland proffered in a sermon snippet yesterday that the devil and his minions either caused or created the … Read more

5 Most Idolatrous Lines From Pope’s New COVID-19 Prayer Book

The Vatican released a new book for the Roman Catholic faithful, and as expected they have their mariology game on point. Titled “Strong in the Face of Tribulation: The Church in Communion – a Sure Support in Time of Trial”, the publication was created to offer comfort and divine assistance to Catholics during the COVID-19 … Read more

Liberal Church Celebrates Earth Day, Even Though They Were Closed on Easter

[Montana Daily Gazette] The Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ in Billings is a gay-friendly and ‘transgender’ welcoming congregation that doesn’t require you to hold to any kind of belief, confession, or creed to take part in their services. Their congregation didn’t have ‘church’ on Sunday or on Easter, but they still got together today … Read more

Did Your Church Close? It’s Beyond Time to Repent and Apologize.

Most people are starting to realize that the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 was grossly overblown. Most are starting to realize that the hysteria surrounding the so-called “pandemic” is infinitely worse in every quantifiable way than the virus itself. The question is if churches, like the rest of society, will own up to their mistakes … Read more

Only 3% Of Church-Goers Likely Attended In-Person or Drive-In Easter Services

According to PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute), ‘a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy,’ around 3% of ‘typically churchgoers’ planned to attend in-person or drive-in church services. Now the poll is certainly skewed, being based on a relatively small sample size (588 people) and … Read more

Babylon Bee CEO Giving Away 100k To COVID-19 Suffering Supporters

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon tweeted out on Friday his decisions to bless financially those in need who are suffering from coronavirus affliction. Dillon is Christian businessman, entrepreneur, and CEO of the Babylon Bee, the site he has owned since 2018 after purchasing it from Adam Ford. In an interview with Faithwire, Dillon says “These … Read more

Kanye West Talks Faith In New GQ Interview

Kanye West has been relatively quiet since his “coming out party” six months ago. His new gospel album dropped last October, Jesus is King – and set the Christian world wondering about the depth and solidity of his conversion. Some praised him and declared him a brother, others declared him a heretic, and still others … Read more

Michael Brown Peddles Long Lost Prophecies From David Wilkerson

Dr. Michael Brown recently ruminated on whether or not a recently unearthed, possibly forged prophecy by none other than David Wilkerson could be a legitimate word of God. If you’re not familiar with that name, Wilkerson was an American evangelist, pastor, and charismatic darling. He was best known for his book “The Cross And The … Read more