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Cancer Closes in on Ravi Zacharias: ‘They have done all they are able…

Dustin Germaine

Ravi Zacharia’s daughter shared a grievous and sobering update on her father’s health condition Friday night, writing “this cancer is very rare in its aggression and that no options for further treatment remain. Medically speaking, they have done all they are able.”

The world-renown Christian apologist and best selling author who has defended and debated the faith for decades, shared his cancer prognosis a little under two months ago, when a biopsy after his back surgery revealed he had a malignant tumor on his sacrum.

Since then, things have deteriorated for the 74-year-old, to the point where the family has begun gathering as they wait for the end, asking for prayers “for whatever time the Lord gives us.”

Ravi’s daughter released an update with the staff at RZIM, posted in full below”

“Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for my dad and for my family in recent months as he has undergone back surgery and treatment for cancer. Truly, words fail to convey the depths of our gratitude for your many expressions of love.

We have just learned that while the tumor in my dad’s sacrum has been responding to the chemotherapy, the area where the cancer metastasized has actually worsened. His oncologist informed us that this cancer is very rare in its aggression and that no options for further treatment remain. Medically speaking, they have done all they are able.

Ravi, Margie, and Naomi are returning from Houston and will remain at home in Atlanta, where our family can be together for whatever time the Lord gives us.

We are so grateful to God for His goodness and His love that we have seen evidenced in so many ways. The love and care that you have given to us is one of the most beautiful expressions of God’s kindness. We are deeply grateful for the care of the medical teams at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the friendship and love of those who served and cared so faithfully and came alongside in many generous and unexpected ways.

After many weeks of separation, our family is anxious to spend time together. You are also our family. We love you and are grateful to share these thin places with you. Thank you for what each of you do to faithfully support my dad’s work and calling, and to advance the cause of evangelism around the world.

We know that God has purposed and numbered each of our days, and only He knows how many more Ravi will experience on this earth. One day, likely sooner than later, we will be serving without our beloved founder, though I know his love and legacy will convict and inspire us to service of his Lord even greater than we have seen before. While we are full of so many emotions, we are also at peace, resting in the truth that God knows all and sees all and is sovereign and good. I think of the great joy my dad will have, and I am comforted.

Thank you for taking this journey with us, and as always, for your faithful prayers.

With much love and on behalf of Ravi, Margie, Naomi, and Nathan,

Sarah Davis
CEO of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries”