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Ed Stetzer Claims Churches Being Wrongly Targeted by Government is ‘Conspiracy Theory’

These two quotes from Ed Stetzer in his recent article in Christianity Today summarize what is a masterclass in gaslighting Christians for having mistrust and concerns about the response from the government to the coronavirus pandemic. First, we need to speak up and speak out to others— particularly those fooled yet again— and lovingly say, … Read more

Denomination Informs Government It Will No Longer Comply With Gathering Bans

The Communion for Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) has officially put the government on notice. The association of churches, founded in 1988 with notable members including Peter Liethart and Douglas Wilson, holds to Calvinist soteriology and Protestant benchmarks of faith. The denomination (for lack of a better word) has more than one-hundred churches nationwide. Written by … Read more

Politifact’s Pants Are On Fire As They Fact Check Us ‘False’

Politifact recently deigned to fact-check one of our posts, which has amassed several thousand shares. In partnership with Facebook, which wields Politifact as the biased final arbiter of all truth and wisdom, they attacked our post as false and gave our page another strike, which has resulted in us being brought precipitously close to being … Read more

Abortion Abolitionists Are Primarying Pro-Life Republicans In Unprecedented Numbers

Oklahoma is fast becoming the battleground between incumbent pro-life republicans who have squandered their ability to abolish abortion in the state, and abolitionists primary challengers who are determined to oust them because of it. This ideological conflict has been brewing for years. Last month we wrote about how the pro-life republican supermajority killed a bill … Read more

Pope proposes considering a ‘universal basic wage’

Vatican City, Apr 12, 2020 / 06:15 pm (CNA).- In an Easter letter to members of popular movements and organizations, Pope Francis suggested that the coronavirus crisis may be an occasion to consider a universal basic wage. “I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” he wrote April 12. “You do … Read more

Church Members Taken Into Police Custody And Interrogated On Easter Morning

Members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China were taken into custody and interrogated after being raided by the Police early Easter morning. Early Rain is considered one of China’s largest underground churches that have not yet registered with the state. This is because of China’s communist party requires that only state-sanctioned and governmental-approved … Read more

Judge Rules KY Ban on Drive-In Church to Be ‘Dystopian’ and ‘Unconstitutional’

Local and state governments around the United States are pushing the limits – and well beyond them – in the constitutionality of their prohibitions against religious expression. Civil liberties, like the right to religious expression, the freedom of speech, and the right to peaceable assembly are inalienable, meaning that they are non-negotiable and inviolable. From … Read more

SBC Megachurch Having Online “Good Friday Communion” With Juice Boxes and Goldfish

Fellowship Church, the 25,000 member SBC Megachurch helmed by Ed Young Jr, is advertising something different for their Easter service this year. According to Pastor Ed. This Easter at Fellowship Church we’re talking about a subject that’s so timely, that’s so needed during this hour. I’m beginning a series on…creativity! I want to tell you … Read more

Pope Francis Says Judas Is Likely in Heaven

The Pope of Rome is called by Lutherans, Calvinists, and in virtually all historic Confessions of Faith an antichrist. For the Reformers of that era, the Pope of Rome seemed to embody everything that the antichrist was to be. He took upon himself the name of God (Holy Father), Jesus (the Head of the Church) … Read more

Romans 13 Does Not Give the Government Power Over the Church, And You’re Ignorant for Saying So

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The kind of rights detailed in the Bill of Rights were referred to in the Declaration of Independence as inalienable rights, meaning that they are non-negotiable, inviolable, and sacrosanct. Modern … Read more

No, the Bible Does NOT Endorse Society-Wide Quarantine

In the 2006 film Idiocracy, the leading protagonist, Joe Bauers (played by Luke Wilson) woke up in the year 2505 to find a world drenched in idiocy. As the world got increasingly dumber from diminishing rates of childbirth among the affluent and intelligent, society was in shambles. Joe, a man of mediocre intelligence in his … Read more

DHS Warns Pandemic “Stressors” May Provoke Attacks On Churches

In a message to “Members of the Faith-Based Community” from Brian Harrell, Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security at the Department of Homeland Security, he warns that that certain ” stressors caused by the pandemic may contribute to an individual’s decision to commit an attack or influence their target of choice” and provides remedies on how … Read more

Ravi Zacharias Follows Up Winning ‘Favorite Apologist’ By Hanging Out With The Bad Crowd.

After being featured and winning the “2020 Christian Apologist March Madness Tournament-” A fun little Twitter poll that pitted well-known Christian apologists against each other- and beating the inimitable James White for the crown, Ravi followed up his win by choosing to cavort with a cadre of sketchy spiritual characters on a worshipful live-stream happening … Read more