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9 Police Officers Shut Down Church Service of 10 people

Last Sunday Pastor Alvin Gwynn Sr. of Friendship Baptist Church In Baltimore, Maryland, was holding an in-person church service when he was visited by the police who were seeking to gain entry into his Church building for supposedly violating coronavirus stay-home laws. In an interview with WMAR, Pastor Gwynn describes what happened next: We had … Read more

Unsurprisingly, Kyle J. Howard Believes The Babylon Bee Is Racist

Kyle J. Howard, racial provocateur of questionably Crips-ish background, blessed our hearts three weeks ago when he announced that he was retiring from Twitter due to the trauma that participating there was causing him. We thought at the time his 10-tweet blaze-of-glory-do-not-go-gently-into-the-good-night exit was the right move for him and everyone else in his sphere … Read more

Rick Warren Hosting Global Prayer Event With Trinity-denying T.D. Jakes

Pastor Rick Warren of Purpose-driven life/ Saddleback fame (who also claims he’s a monergist who believes in the doctrines of grace) will be hosting a global easter prayer gathering this coming Monday, April 6. According to Rick Warren “The global pandemic of COVID-19 has changed so much about how our churches will experience Easter this … Read more

Video: Abortion Worker Purposely Coughs On Sidewalk Counsellor

A sidewalk counsellor from Oklahoma is reporting that he was purposefully coughed on during a witness encounter between him and a clinic escort. Under normal circumstances that may sound like a very benign headline, as we’ve seen sidewalk counsellors hit, pushed to the ground, have bottles and other objects thrown at their heads, threatened with … Read more

Last Sunday, Only 7% Of Congregations Met In Person.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—The coronavirus outbreak has had ripple effects across the country, including in U.S. churches, according to a new study of pastors. Nashville-based LifeWay Research asked Protestant pastors how the pandemic has impacted their congregations and what their plans are for the near future. While nearly all pastors say their church held in-person worship services … Read more

Mayor Refuses To Walk Back Threat To Close Non-compliant Churches Permanently.

It was a week ago today that during a press conference, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio threatened to permanently shut down all churches that refuse to close in order to combat COVID-19 We’ve had extraordinary support from the leaders of major Christian denominations. We’ve had extraordinary across the board, rabbinical support from all the … Read more

You Can’t Observe the Lord’s Supper Over the Internet

As we have pled with churches not to call their sermon-streaming “online church” or “virtual church” in a desperate warning that the long-term consequences are dire, some have suggested that the church can do everything over the Internet that it does in person. Of course, this is not true. There has never been a “virtual … Read more

Michael Brown’s Wolfish Wager Over Charismatic COVID-19 Prophecies

Michael Brown, chief enabler of all that is theologically weird and always eager to platform, promote, and advance every crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can charismatic leader not named Todd Bentley, has shared some thoughts with us regarding coronavirus prophecies. Titled This is a Great Time to Test Contemporary Prophetic Words, the purpose of the post is to say that … Read more

Samaritans Purse Pop-up Hospital In NY Draws Scorn From Gay Democrat Senator

Samaritan’s Purse has come under new scrutiny from a bevvy of democrats and LGBT groups, sparked by New York Democratic Senator Brad Hoylman for his criticism of their statement of faith that it requires volunteer doctors and nurses at their new relief hospital to sign. The emergency field hospital, currently setting up shop right now … Read more

I Was Assaulted by Rodney Howard Browne’s Church-Goers, But Even I’m Against His Arrest

Rodney Howard Browne, a wildly charismatic faith-healer and prosperity pastor was arrested yesterday by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s department for continuing to hold worship services despite the king’s decree that the Lord’s Day was effectively canceled. With abortion clinics, liquor stores, and pot dispensaries still open in Florida, Browne’s church defiantly continued to meet. Sheriff … Read more