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Politifact’s Pants Are On Fire As They Fact Check Us ‘False’

News Division

Politifact recently deigned to fact-check one of our posts, which has amassed several thousand shares. In partnership with Facebook, which wields Politifact as the biased final arbiter of all truth and wisdom, they attacked our post as false and gave our page another strike, which has resulted in us being brought precipitously close to being unpublished, having already seen our page’s reach and influence severely restricted.

What are those community standards that we’ve been violating and has resulted in reduced distribution, the inability to monetize, not being able to create ads, and others? If you guessed advancing a biblical view of homosexuality, abortion, and transgenderism that our tech overlords despise and find intolerant, as well as the gospel solution to it, you’d be right. Politifact is essentially one of many tools Big Tech has at their disposal which is designed to squash and suppress Christian news that they don’t like. These sites shadow-ban, demonetize websites, and kick creators off their platforms all the time, and they use blunt objects like Politifact as the instrument of their wrath.

They cut off the limbs of alternative media so they can promote their own stitched together monster of talking points and un-cleverly hidden biases while claiming their impartiality. If you want a simple example of this, search Joe Biden’s sexual misconduct accuser “Tara Reade” on Fox News, you’ll get tons of responses and stories. If you input that into CNN’s search, you’ll get none.

So what has caused them so much vexation that they’re throwing up big flags on our post? It’s the fact that we filled in the obvious blanks and said the unsaid thing, and it was enough to garner the coveted “false” designation and resulted in our post being shrouded with a cover-page informing the public that we’re liars.

Their biggest contention was that we said:

And now, Gates is leading the fight (he’s a computer guy, right?) to find a coronavirus vaccine. And Gates now argues that “mass gatherings” (churches) will not meet again until a vaccine is found and everyone is vaccinated.

The press reports Gates said, “What does opening up look like? Which activities, like schools, can be done in a way that the risk of transmission is very low? And which activities, like mass gatherings, maybe — in a certain sense — more optional? Until you’re widely vaccinated, those may not come back at all.

In response, this is Politifact’s crux of their objection:

[Gates doesn’t say] that church services can’t resume until we’re all vaccinated. 

Considering what the world will look like as regions slow the spread of the coronavirus and people start to resume their lives, Gates suggests that some mass gatherings may not come back before enough people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. 

But Gates doesn’t specify that this means “church” gatherings, nor does he have any power to forbid church services “until we’re all vaccinated,” as the post says. 

Let’s get some things straight. First of all, they added the quotation marks, not us! We never said he specifically said so. We didn’t add quotations marks to what Bill Gates said, but rather, in fact, we quoted him accurately and put the (churches) in parentheses.

Secondly, in what world does “mass gatherings” not include churches? The CDC’s website certainly considers them mass gatherings. In fact, it’s why we’ve seen so many governors announce that houses of worship (churches) must abide by public health orders that ban mass gatherings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It’s why pastors are getting arrested and fined and services raided- because their services are contravening those bans on mass gatherings.

According to the CDC’s website, “A mass gathering is a planned or spontaneous event with a large number of people in attendance that could strain the planning and response resources of the community hosting the event” and then they list some “such as concerts, festivals, meetings, conferences, places of worship, and sporting events .”

Bill Gates spoke of making mass gatherings optional until everyone was vaccinated, we offered up but one mass gathering (church) that may be rendered optional, and we’re the ones just making stuff up? This designation and obvious attempt to kneecap us is completely absurd- all the while as it contributes to our sliding further down into Facebook’s bad graces.

Politifact is being disingenuous and playing games, seemingly purposefully being obstreperous. As a result, we rate Politifact’s rating of our post – FALSE.

[Editors Note] Friends, it’s situations like this that we need your help. We’re bringing you breaking stories, original reporting and exclusive commentary and we’re been stymied by these companies and organizations who want us to shut up and go away, and they’re using these sorts of tactics to limit our spread.

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