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Karen Swallow Prior, ERLC “Research Fellow” Thrilled Her Book Supported by Vatican

Some people take theology seriously. Some people think the doctrine of Justification is important. And then there’s Karen Swallow Prior and her woefully undiscerning sycophants at the Southern Baptist pastors’ blog, SBC Voices. They, apparently, think Protestantism is mock-worthy. Karen Swallow Prior tweeted out earlier today a happy celebratory update about her book, On Reading … Read more

No, Jesus Wasn’t Tempted with Homosexuality

You’ve commonly heard it said that Jesus must have been tempted with homosexuality if he was “tempted in every way in which we are.” Is this true? THEIR QUEER ARGUMENT Progressive evangelicals are eager to see American Christianity take a left-turn on homosexuality. Their current strategy is to chip away at the biblical sexual ethic … Read more

Colleges Across U.S. Are Requiring Tampons Be Provided in Men’s Restrooms

This may be a new scientific discovery for those who don’t know how anatomical functionality works, but men don’t menstruate. That hasn’t stopped Syracuse University students from demanding that the college men’s rooms be stocked with tampons. The student body government at Syracuse University has voted to approve funding for tampons to be given (for … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry: When Will You Say Pedophiles Are Heroes Too?

Last week Jackie Hill Perry retweeted a TED-talk that seeks to normalize pedophilia.  Perry, the celebrated Evangelical ex-lesbian, author of “Gay Girl, Good God”, and self-proclaimed “writer, rapper, preacher, poet,” provoked a tweet storm when she posted an excerpt from this highly provocative video. Her only commentary: “I knew this was coming.” “We should accept … Read more

Ben Shapiro Rejects Jesus and Red Sea Miracle

Ben Shapiro is a blogger, speaker, and media personality who is held in high esteem by conservatives for his common-sense political commentaries. Because of his intelligent defenses of conservative positions, Shapiro has amassed a following among family-values-oriented evangelical Christians. Appealing to this base, Shapiro recently interviewed such influential Christians as John MacArthur and William Lane … Read more

IKEA Worker Fired After Refusing to Attend LGBTQ Event

A retail worker at furniture store IKEA was fired after declining an invitation to attend a pro-lgbtq event and posting Bible verses on homosexuality on his social media accounts. The man, Tomasz K, spoke about his experience on a Polish national broadcaster, TVP Info. Tomasz K said, “I’ve been hired to sell furniture but I’m … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Says Not to Dissuade Clients from Giving Money to Planned Parenthood

In a question-and-answer column today, a TGC columnist received a question from a reader who is an attorney, who asked what to do if his client wanted to give money to Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly anymore, The Gospel Coalition contributor told them not to overtly dissuade them from giving money to the abortion … Read more

Sexual Abuse in an SBC Leader’s Home? I Need More Information

Recently Pulpit & Pen received an anonymous letter via the USA mail that started as follows: “To Whom it May Concern, It is with great sadness that I write this as a cry for help…and something to be done for a child who was molested by her brother.” The letter went on to describe a … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Reinforces Redefinition of “Complementarian”

The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization funded by millions of dollars in mysterious dark money, is continuing to push America’s churches to the left. On the heels of the complementarian debate sparked by Beth Moore’s slamming of conventional gender roles, The Gospel Coalition is now actively redefining the term, ‘complementarian.’ TGC, which is stacked … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr Takes Russell Moore to the Woodshed

Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., is well-aware of the Southern Baptist Deep State and is ‘on to’ Russell Moore. The son of Moral Majority leader, Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr., Falwell’s talents include political prowess as much as theological acumen. This leaves Falwell especially suited to sniff-out and bark at liberals masquerading as religious conservatives. … Read more

As a Minister, Ravi Zacharias Pressured Teenage Girl to Have Abortion

Recent revelations indicate that international apologist and evangelist, Ravi Zacharias, pressured his brother’s teenage girlfriend to receive an abortion, even while a minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. “There is no other way but to abort this child if our careers are to survive.” – Ravi Zacharias, recalling a different account in an article … Read more

Don’t Be Fooled By Russell Moore’s Video on Socialism

He is a double-minded man, unstable in all of his ways. – James 1:8 Russell Moore, the communitarian leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC, recently made a video denouncing socialism by name. The problem is, Moore is a Democratic operative who has been advocating for Socialism for years. Don’t be fooled by this common … Read more

When Pressed, Beth Moore Chooses Not to Condemn Homosexuality

When given the chance to clarify her position on the sinfulness of homosexuality from an open letter addressed to her by female-to-female Bible teachers, Beth Moore chose to clarify nothing at all. Aligning herself with Jonathan Merritt, Sam Allberry, and so many more Same-Sex Attracted “Christians,” Moore refused to alienate her homosexual fans. Moore, like … Read more