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Brave Christian Designer Refuses to Make Gay Wedding Dress

A brave Christian designer rejected the request from a homosexual couple to make a wedding dress and instead gave them the Gospel. Now, liberals are outraged. Couples in sodomy-based relationships go out of their way to ask Christian businesses to provide them services. In doing so, they further the stereotype of victimization that empowers them. … Read more

Liberal Lady Pastor Fired After Using Church Funds for ‘Adult Novelty’ Devices

“Pastor Amy,” a famous anti-Trump pastor at the extremely liberal Riverside Church in Manhattan, has been fired after allegedly using church resources at an adult novelty shop. Amy Butler allegedly used the church credit card to purchase a $200 battery-operated ‘sex toy’ for an unmarried mother/minister that accompanied her. She also offered to buy a … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Edits Book Platforming Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Views

Pro-Abortion writer asserts, ‘The Bible doesn’t tell us whether abortion, prenatal diagnosis, IVF or PGD are right or wrong.’ Advances rhetoric of ‘listening and support’ over condemnation of sin. [Capstone Report] Does the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) Research Fellow program still exist? Or, have the crazy antics of its Fellows forced … Read more

Mark Driscoll Ridicules Reformed Theology

The infamous Phoenix pastor says “Calvinism is garbage.” Calvinists everywhere smile. We hope Driscoll has dropped off all his John Calvin sweatshirts at the same thrift store where he picked up his new theology. No one is seriously following Mark Driscoll anymore. At its high point in 2014, the former Seattle pastor’s multi-site church boasted … Read more

List of Vaccines Derived from Aborted Babies

Although a 2005 statement from the Vatican gave approval to Papists to dose up their children with vaccines obtained from aborted babies (so long as it was confined to the research process and not production), you might feel differently as an evangelical or Protestant believer. The fact is, vaccines for chickenpox, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, hepatitis … Read more

Prophet Says Trump ‘Shook the Heavenlies’ with July 4 Speech, Caused California Earthquakes

Hosting Mark Taylor, who is popular in American charismaticism and is colloquially known as ‘the firefighter prophet,’ Christopher McDonald recently claimed on a webcast that Donald Trump’s 4th of July speech ‘shook the heavenlies’ and caused the recent California earthquakes. Claiming that something “shifted in the spirit realm” on July 4, McDonald said, “Our president … Read more

Country Star, Jo Dee Messina, Says Jesus Visited Her on Front Porch

Country music star, Jo Dee Messina, recently claimed in an interview that Jesus bodily walked onto her front porch and claimed ownership of her. Evangelical charismatics, enthralled by such silly stories, are widely heralding the tall tale. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the … Read more

Quadriplegic Man is Being Starved to Death by French Government

Quadriplegic Man is Being Starved to Death

His mother says he cried when he learned his doctors would starve him to death. This week ends a six-year battle for the life of Vincent Lambert, the 42-year-old, fully conscious, former psychiatric nurse hospitalized in north-eastern France since his motorcycle accident in 2008. A high French court recently ordered Lambert’s hospital to deny him … Read more

Mark Driscoll Peddling Signed Copies of His Sermon Notes

Pastor Mark Driscoll of The Trinity Church in Phoenix, Arizona, is peddling signed copies of his sermon notes. Apparently, being a disgraced pastor doesn’t prevent one from capitalizing upon popularity from past lives by hocking memorabilia. Driscoll’s multi-site mega-church planting empire suddenly imploded in 2014 after scandals relating to plagiarism, pastoral abuse, numerous publicity stunts … Read more

Leaked Document Suggests Google ‘Blacklisted’ Pro-life Videos Just in Time for Irish Abortion Vote

With a recent surge in censorship of pro-life and conservative views, Google has admitted to interference in Ireland’s 2018 abortion referendum, which Google claims was to “help voters.” Numerous videos from Project Veritas, a pro-life organization, were blacklisted from YouTube, which is owned by Google. When users searched for specific terms, Google manually altered search … Read more

Federal Judge Blocks Ohio Heartbeat Law Because, Well, Why Not?

A federal judge has determined that Ohio’s Heartbeat Abortion Law should be struck down because it would create an “undue burden” on abortion access. Which, of course, was the point of it being passed by the state legislature. Citing Planned Parenthood vs Casey, which established an “undue burden” threshold for abortion restrictions, Judge Michael R. … Read more