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Christian Cathedral Becomes Mini-Golf Course to Attract Visitors

The Rochester Cathedral, belonging to the Church of England, has turned their historic and beautiful facility into a mini-golf course designed to attract visitors. The Rochester Cathedral, formally the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the second oldest bishopric in the Church of England, behind the church’s seat in Canterbury. The … Read more

LOL. Top Democratic Staffers Fired Because They’re Not “Diverse” Enough

Top staffers with the Democratic National Committee have been fired for failing to uphold diversity standards within the party. Essentially, they were too white and heterosexual. If you’re a Democratic staffer who doesn’t identify with an oppressed minority group, you better find one fast. Maybe try the left-handed support group, or the slightly-shorter-than-normal guild, or … Read more

“Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement

In this bombshell report by Pulpit & Pen, we will demonstrate how Democratic financier and organizer Zack Exley is behind the successful attempt to change the political ideology of America’s major evangelical institutions, ministries, and seminaries through propagation of what is known as “Social Justice.” SUMMARY We will explain—with a compilation of original sources, some … Read more

SBC and Social Justice: A List of Links To Prove the Agenda is Real

This post is designed to provide an extensive but not comprehensive list of articles from Pulpit & Pen documenting SBC leaders pushing so-called “Social Justice” upon its membership. It is designed to be simple and straight-forward. The Problem: Social Justice is a term invented by South American Roman Catholic Priests and the churches affiliated with … Read more

Who Are #The15 Contras? Join Up Now.

In late December of 2014, a prominent evangelical leader inferred that the Pope was a brother-in-Christ, and some Christians on Twitter sought clarification regarding his comments. It was then that uber-smug Lifeway executive Ed Stetzer claimed that the outrage was from “the same 15 angry Calvinists who are mad at everyone.” The Background What came … Read more

Reformed Baptist Minister Gets 24 Years for Child Abuse

Reformed Baptist minister, Tom Chantry (son of renown theologian, Walter Chantry) just received 24 years for child abuse. Some took to social media over the weekend, including Brannon Howse at Worldview Weekend, and claimed that the Reformed discernment community has been silent regarding Chantry’s conviction, which has brought a black eye to the Association of … Read more

Planned Parenthood’s “Trans” Board Member Protects Men’s Rights to Abortion

And all this time we thought men weren’t allowed to have opinions on abortion! A few days ago, the executive board of Planned Parenthood gave Leana Wen, their President and CEO of eight short months, an abrupt kick to the curb. One of the reasons they gave for doing so was Wen’s reticence to lobby for men … Read more

David Daleiden Triumphed in Court—Even With a Planned Parenthood Favorite for His Judge

For David Daleiden, the taste of truth and victory are sweet. Wednesday evening, a federal judge in San Francisco announced his intent to greatly reduce Planned Parenthood’s retaliatory lawsuit against David Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for their undercover videos documenting Planned Parenthood’s (PP) sale of aborted baby parts.  This ruling significantly diminishes CMP’s fines from … Read more

Schuller’s ‘Crystal Cathedral’ Re-Opens as a Catholic Church

Nuns get a look at the newly finished 'Christ Cathedral,' once known as "The Crystal Cathedral"

The Crystal Cathedral, best known as the home for a “positive-thinking” gospel that ignored sins and preached happiness, has now re-opened as a Roman Catholic Church. Completed in 1981, the Orange County structure was renown for its beauty and unique design. With more exterior-to-interior glass ratio than any building of comparable size in the United … Read more

The President of PP was Axed Yesterday: Here’s Why

They say she who dines with the cannibals will sooner or later get eaten. Yesterday Planned Parenthood’s executive board held a secret meeting to formalize giving their president, Dr. Leanna Wen, the axe. Apparently Wen leaves the nation’s largest killing machine on even worse terms than her predecessor, Cecile Richards. Richards announced her departure back … Read more

Christian Pro-life Grad Student is Compared to the KKK

“I heard different voices saying the same thing– that I should not do work on abortion because of who I am: a white, Christian man.” Steven Jacobs, a University of Chicago PhD, spent the last six years of his life in an agonizing struggle to publish research on the abortion debate. All the while, he … Read more