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ERLC Posts Video On How to Make Critical Race Theory-Based Relationships

In a video entitled How Can We Develop Multicultural Relationships, Russell Moore’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) published a video of leftist-progressive advocate, Trillia Newbell, espousing tenets of Critical Race Theory. The goal of Biblical Christianity is to create a homogenous and uniquely Christian culture from people of every ethnicity and socio-economic bracket. The … Read more

Courts Call for Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Minnesota and Illinois

The God-given instinct to separate from the opposite sex to shower, perform bodily functions and change clothes is being stripped away from students in Minnesota and Illinois.  Last week, Minnesota district judge Jenny Walker Jasper upheld a female gender-diluted student’s lawsuit against Anoka-Hennepin School for refusing her permission to undress with the guys and called for … Read more

Beth Moore’s Daughter, Kyle J. Howard Weep/Rejoice Pulpit & Pen Censored by Twitter

Social Justice advocates who have abandoned the Gospel for social religion, Beth Moore’s daughter and (fake ex-gang member) Kyle J. Howard, rejoiced with weeping and praised God for the censorship of Pulpit & Pen by the tech giant, Twitter. Niko Kampouris, whose Twitter profile links a Christian and Artist Collective (and ostensibly, a skinny jean … Read more

Sarah Silverman Fired After 2007 Blackface Photo Surfaces

Sarah Silverman, the Christ-mocking, abortion-shouting vulgar-humored Hollywood leftist, is out of a job. At least one job, that is. The Independent and other outlets reported today that the modern paragon of profanity was “fired from a film after producers unearthed a still of her in 2007 wearing blackface for a comedy sketch.” At 11pm the … Read more

Al Baker: Two Vital Ingredients Missing From Much Reformed Preaching

“For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,” declares the Lord God. “Therefore, repent and live.” -Ezekiel 18:32. The prophet Ezekiel received six visions from the Lord which he gave to the people of Judah who were in the throes of the Babylonian exile. Those still in Jerusalem were challenging Yahweh … Read more

Charismatic Prophet-Pastor Cited Scripture While Molesting Girl

An Ohio pastor recently admitted in court to citing Scripture to his underaged abuse victim, during his molestation of her. Just as tragically, she was seeing him for counseling due to previous abuse. According to local press outlets near Sharonsville, Ohio, Cesar Guerrero, 38, of Mision Cristiana El Calvario Church (a charismatic Hispanic congregation), was … Read more

Red Flag Laws Would Prevent Even Trump From Owning Firearm

As President Trump is toying around with the idea of signing a Red Flag law, he may not realize that the gun-grabbing gesture meant to appease the fascist left could actually keep him—the President of the United States—from owning a firearm. Trump told the press, “I am directing the Department of Justice to work in … Read more

Interview with Steven Anderson: Is He Becoming a Reformed Baptist?

JD took time for a phone call interview with Steven Anderson, the controversial Independent Fundamental Baptist preacher from Arizona. We wrote about this turn of events in the post, Bizarre Turn: Steven Anderson Now Embraces Calvinists. A Reformed Baptist in the Phoenix area began to talk with Anderson, befriending him and explaining beliefs related to … Read more

4 Main Things Christians Need to Know About Critical Race Theory

As Christian institutions like Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary are promoting Critical Race Theory, many believers are confused as to what the doctrine is or why it’s dangerous. As the Southern Baptist Convention approved Resolution 9 in June, which promotes Critical Race Theory as an analytical tool, we … Read more

A Double-Minded Man: Albert Mohler’s Explicit Contradictions

As we explained in the article, The Two Faces of Albert Mohler: Beware the Phone Call Mind-Meld, Mohler is a double-minded man. On one hand, he swears that he is opposing Critical Race Theory with all of his vigor, and yet it is being strongly promoted in his seminaries by leaders he hand-selected. It seems … Read more

Dance Celebrating/Depicting Act of Sodomy Performed in Roman Catholic Church

[LifeSite News] A video now making the rounds on social media shows two scantily clad men performing a homoerotic dance in the magnificent sanctuary of Saint Peter Apostle Church in Montreal.  The two dancers perform to Jeff Buckley’s sexualized adaptation of the song “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen, according to, which first called attention to the … Read more

Founders Min Board Members Who Resigned Caught Up in Their Own Sex Abuse Scandal

Trying to claim the moral high ground, Tom Hicks and Fred Malone publicly left Founders Ministries over a perceived slight to a sexual abuse victim, Rachael Denhollander. Ironically, they’ve been caught up in a far worse, very real sex abuse cover-up and scandal of their own. Writing of his resignation from Founder Ministries, Malone said… … Read more

Sexual Abuse in an SBC Leader’s Home? More Details Released

A few weeks ago, I published an article entitled “Sexual Abuse in an SBC Leader’s Home? I Need More Information.” In that article, I included a redacted letter which Pulpit & Pen received from an anonymous source claiming that sexual abuse had been taking place in a top SBC leader’s home for over a year … Read more