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This is What Happens When the SBC Elected an Unqualified Woman Just Because She Was a Woman

The Southern Baptist’s annual meeting in Birmingham, as predicted, was a sniveling Social Justice fest. Flexing their muscles against conservative Southern Baptists in the pew, SBC leaders – by far, more progressive than the typical church member – signaled their politically correct virtue throughout the event. Snuck through without much noise, many thanks to more … Read more

Satanist Vegetarians Want to Change Our DNA to Keep Us From Getting Saved, Says Charismatic Leader

Okay, so how’s this for a conspiracy theory? Charismatic Prophet, Rick Wiles, claims that genetically modified foods and meat-alternatives are an attempt by government conspiracists to change our human DNA and thereby keep us from being born-again. As gross as “meat alternatives” seem to be to someone from beef country, how tofu is a Satanic … Read more

In Stunning Reversal, Roman Catholics to Ordain Married Men as Priests, Women as Clergy

[Rome] As Pulpit & Pen first reported in November of 2017, the Romanist church was considering the ordination of married men as priests. Chiefly, the Vatican was considering the changes because of a shortage of celibate men to choose from the Amazon region. Now, the Vatican has officially embraced married men as clergy. The Romanists … Read more

U.S. Missionary Accused of Killing More than 100 African Children

The African nation of Uganda is requesting the prosecution of an American Missionary in Virginia for the deaths of more than 100 children. According to Uganda, the missionary misrepresented herself as a doctor, provided sub-par missionary care, and scores of children died in her custody. Renee Bach runs a non-governmental organization called Serving His Children … Read more

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Launching Campaign for Taxpayer Funded Abortions.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launches campaign to force Americans to pay for abortions due to income inequality. National Review reports the congresswoman began a petition over the weekend to repeal the Hyde Amendment with public support. The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer funded abortions to be paid by Medicaid. Ocasio-Cortex says, “The Hyde Amendment isn’t about abortion … Read more

Missouri Planned Parenthood Failed Health Inspection, Receives 60-Page Deficiency Report

A new motion was filed by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services asking for St. Louis Judge Michael Stelzer to be given more time in determining whether Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility license should be renewed. RHS Planned Parenthood, the only active abortion clinic in St. Louis, failed a health inspection … Read more

Let Me Explain How the SBC Just Officially Endorsed Marxism

I wasn’t glued to the Southern Baptist Convention live stream last week, as I usually am each year when the annual meeting rolls around. First, I’m writing from the lobby of the MT GOP Convention, as I’m carrying the proxy vote for my state senator. So, I’m busy. Second, as far as the SBC is … Read more

Ariana Grande Donates Georgia Concert Sales to Planned Parenthood

Ariana Grande, a popular artist with over 25 billion combined streams on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music, and 157 million instagram followers, has donated the proceeds of her concert in Atlanta, Georgia. According to PEOPLE Magazine the donation is around 250,000 dollars. Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Dr. Leana Wen said in an exclusive statement … Read more

FactCheck: Do 64% of Southern Baptists REALLY Want Female Pastors?

Religion News Service (RNS), a leftwing evangelical news outlet, ran an article promoting female clergy in the SBC under the guise of “journalizing.” Their claim was simple; a majority of Southern Baptists and a super-majority of Southern Baptist women want females in the pulpit. The article was written by Ryan Burge, a political scientist at … Read more

Remember Back When Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy?

In what is an amazing turn of events, the leftist-progressive and “soft-complementarian” (also known as an egalitarian) and Beth Moore’s chief Southern Baptist armor bearer, Russell Moore, dropped some incredible lines in defense of Patriarchy. Yes, that’s right. You might have thought you would never live to see it, but the soft-handed yard gnome mascot … Read more