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The ‘Gospel’ Coalition Finds Gospel Themes in Disney’s LGBT Fan Favorite,”Frozen”

The ‘Gospel’ Coalition, which have been so eaten up and corrupted with Social Justice, have virtually gutted themselves of any theological seriousness. They are now exegeting cartoons and claim to have found Biblical messages in a Disney cartoon. This isn’t satire. The ‘Gospel’ Coalition slums through contemporary culture to find what they call ‘Gospel’ themes, … Read more

ERLC, Cru, Gospel Coalition, NAE Among Soros-Funded Organizations

If you’re wondering why so many evangelical organizations are getting “woke,” wonder no more. This is a compiled list now circulating of the various organizations funded or partially funded by George Soros. In regards to evangelical or Christian institutions, we’ll remind you that Soros’ “rented evangelicals” are well-documented. Although nearly 200 organizations have been listed … Read more

The ‘Gospel’ Coalition Compares Christian Trump Supporters to Nazi Sympathizers

In its latest propaganda piece meant to benefit the Democratic Party in the 2020 elections, The Gospel Coalition compared the Trump Administration to the Nazi regime and urged evangelicals to set aside their political affiliations. Yes. They actually made the Nazi comparison. As Christians are repeatedly being warned, The Gospel Coalition is not a religious … Read more

The “Gospel” Coalition Warns Against Getting News Outside Mainstream Media

The progressive-leftist “Gospel Coalition” warned its readers today against getting news from anywhere besides Mainstream Media (MSM), which is a hegemonic bastion of Democrat propaganda. The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a political organization funded by socialist Dark Money that masquerades as a Christian ministry. A large percentage of its articles are oriented toward leftist political … Read more

Gospel Coalition Contributor Begs Facebook to Ban Pulpit & Pen

The Gospel Coalition is a leftist political organization designed to infiltrate evangelical churches and change the demographic’s voting patterns, and it’s funded by progressive dark money. Its Council Members are largely responsible for the Great Awokening of Social Justice activism and the promotion of Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology within evangelicalism. Heck, TGC ran … Read more

Gospel Coalition Editor, Southern Baptist Official, Calls For Impeachment of Trump

A prominent official with two power evangelical organizations is calling for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. These two organizations, The Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) share a good deal of the same board members and contributors. Both organizations are funded heavily by … Read more

Gospel Coalition Says God Raised up “Same-Sex Attracted Christians” to Lead Us

The Gospel Coalition, a subversive political organization funded by suspect financial sources, posted an article earlier today telling Christians that we should get behind ‘faithful’ Same-Sex Attracted Christians who God has raised up to lead us. The progressive organization, who has as an editor and contributor a gay Anglican priest named Sam Allberry, has steadily … Read more

Tim Keller Promotes Globalism at The “Gospel” Coalition

Also, it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation. – Revelation 13:7  Tim Keller is a Marxist. That should come as no surprise to anyone who has the vaguest understanding of the economic and political philosophy or … Read more

Full Marxist: Gospel Coalition Says You Must Give Away Your Wealth to Be “Just”

The Gospel Coalition, which has a substantial problem differentiating between law and gospel, also has a difficult time differentiating between justice and mercy. The parachurch organization led by Marxist, Tim Keller, is a recipient of funds from both George Soros and James Riady (two powerful globalist and socialist billionaire financiers) and serves the purpose of … Read more

Grace Community Church Venue CANCELED for Gospel Coalition Conference

Developing: Grace Community Church (GCC), home congregation of Pastor John MacArthur, has canceled the church property and facilities as a venue for the West Coast Gospel Coalition Conference. John MacArthur and leadership at GCC have faced increasing criticism in recent days from many who are critical of the problematic theological trajectory of The Gospel Coalition. … Read more

Gospel Coalition Article Says Football is Unchristian

In between promoting Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and venerating a human sex trafficker and homosexual (Martin Luther King Junior – for links on this subject, click here and here and here and here), how does The “Gospel” Coalition spend it’s time? Well, it’s busy telling us that contact sports, in particular, professional football, is … Read more

This is Why We Call it The Social Gospel Coalition

The polemics term for this heresy is called Rauschenbuschism, named after its chief 20th-century proponent, Walter Rauschenbusch. You know the heresy as “Social Gospel,” and Rauschenbusch wrote the book, A Theology for the Social Gospel, in 1917. Rauschenbuschism teaches that the Gospel’s primary consequence on Earth is not the forgiveness of sins, but the solution … Read more