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The Black History of Ron Simmons and Ron Burns: Thabiti Anyabwile Advocates for Bernie Sanders

“By any means necessary.” The Nation of Domination On August 2, 1992, native Georgian and former NFL football player turned pro-wrestler Ron Simmons made history by defeating Big Van Vader to become the first ever black WCW heavyweight champion.   Simmons would go on to enjoy a long career in Pro Wrestler, eventually being inducted into … Read more

Ted Cruz Appears at Evangelical-Backed Political Event with John Hagee and David Barton

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;” Philippians 3:20 While the Evangelical Intelligentsia are falling all over themselves to promote Roman Catholic GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio and curb the enthusiasm of candidate Donald Trump’s evangelical supporters, another spectrum of evangelical power brokers are getting familiar with Southern … Read more

ERLC Continues to Be Rosary-Friendly

In what appears to be a never-ending tip-of-the-hat to Romanism, the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) continues to embrace the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. At the beginning of the year, ERLC head, Russell Moore, stated that he “didn’t want to see any fewer rosary beads” at the … Read more

Godliness and Heterosexuality

I recently wrote an article at Pulpit & Pen that addressed the issue of the evangelical push for celibacy as the best and only option for Christians struggling with same-sex attraction (SSA). Upon publishing the article, I received quite a bit of backlash and hate mail. However, I stand upon the position that the Gospel … Read more

Heterosexuality Is Godliness

In a recent post on The Gospel Coalition website titled Godliness Is Not Heterosexuality, which is an excerpt from Ed Shaw’s book, The Plausibility of the Celibate Life for the Same-Sex attracted, Shaw admonishes people to think of same-sex attraction as something that can co-exist peacefully with Christianity. In other words, a person who claims to … Read more

Animal Rights Groups See Karen Swallow Prior as Important Ally, Back in 2007

…there is much for me, as an anti-abortion activist, to respect in the animal rights movement. – Karen Swallow Prior (The Liberal Case Against Abortion, pg 63 source link) Karen Swallow Prior, who serves on the “faith advisory board” of the radical Humane Society with Islamic imams, Jewish rabbis, and others (source link) in order … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

Marketing 316: “Heroes” and Insidious Instigation

 “A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there … Read more

Is Tchividjian a Smidgen Antinomian?

Tullian Tchividjian has made waves recently amidst what seems to be a coerced departure from the Gospel Coalition. More than just the grandson of celebrated evangelist Billy Graham (I won’t hold that against him), Tchividjian is a celebrated theologian and is considered more than just an up-and-comer, graduating the status of up-and-came several years ago. … Read more

Pulpit Notes

Monday’s Program – Alan Doane; On Monday’s program, JD begins by discussing a recent article he posted at Pulpit & Pen about whether or not Christians are obligated to register or surrender their firearms. Click here for the link. JD also spoke to Montana legislator, Alan Doane, about various issues relating to Christians in politics. … Read more

SBC Leadership Thinks You’re Stupid

In case you need another reason the leave the nation’s largest awful denomination, add to it the fact that its leadership thinks you have an IQ of Jory Micah. Over the last decade, P&P has chronicled roughly 4,396,301 reasons why you should leave the Southern Baptist Convention (I’m rounding up). Literally, a new reason is … Read more

ERLC Has Obama Strategist Lecture Christians On Politics…AGAIN!

On the day following outrage on the part of Southern Baptist leaders (JD Greear, Albert Mohler, and Ronnie Floyd) who insisted the SBC isn’t drifting left, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) again used an Obama campaign strategist and Democrat staffer to lecture evangelicals on being civil in politics. Just to recap, Obama – … Read more