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President of D. James Kennedy Ministries Blasts SBC, Revoice, PCA, and Christianity Today

In an op-ed that we would have gladly posted here at Pulpit and Pen, Frank Wright, president and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries, warmed the cockles of our hearts when he took to the proverbial woodshed several organizations, entities and ministries that are definitely behaving badly and could using a good whupping. Titled Biblical … Read more

Why Is Revoice’s Nate Collins Liking Gay Art?

Nate Collins, co-founder of the pro-LGBTQ ‘Christian’ Revoice Conference – endorsed by Southern Baptist leaders with the ERLC and certain members of the PCA –  has done another thing that makes people question what exactly his game is. In a recent Twitter post, burgeoning artists Kirk Raynor drew a picture of himself being cuddled on … Read more

SBC Professor Claims ‘Revoice’ Founders Have “Traditional, Biblical Sexual Ethic”

Basically, the entire orthodox evangelical world has repudiated the now-infamous Revoice Conference for holding to a rainbow-splattered unbiblical sexual ethic. The conference, which would go on to celebrate “queer culture” has been even repudiated by ‘woke’ leaders like Albert Mohler and even the ERLC. The one hold-out seems to be Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor, … Read more

‘Revoice’ Homosexuals Host LGBT ‘Taylor Swift Party’ and Paint Fingernails

Karen Swallow Prior, the new “research professor” at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, endorsed the Revoice Conference both before and after it was held to “celebrate queer culture.” It turns out they’re still celebrating queerness, and this time doing so by throwing a Taylor Swift-themed party and painting their fingernails together. This isn’t satire. They’re just … Read more

Indisputable Proof SWBTS Lied; ERLC Targeted Professor for Preaching Against LGBT ‘Revoice’ Theology

INTRODUCTION FROM JD Let me interject here in this repost from Capstone Report with a few points of observation. First, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) absolutely, 100% unequivocally lied in their press release about Dr. Lopez’ termination. There is zero doubt of that now. Second, it is clear that SWBTS had no idea who they … Read more

Revoice Founder Wonders if Jesus was Gay

A co-founder of the pro-LGBTQ ‘Christian’ Revoice Conference – endorsed by Southern Baptist leaders with the ERLC and certain members of the PCA – implied on Twitter that Jesus might have been gay or straight and that evangelicals don’t really know and haven’t thought about it. I may have to translate for you, in case … Read more

PCA ‘Revoice’ Investigation Report Says Conference CRITICS Might Have Sinned

A flock of homosexuals gathered at Memorial Presbyterian Church last July to celebrate ‘gay culture’ behind closed doors in a conference called ‘Revoice.’ Those who had been freed of Same-Sex Attraction by the Holy Spirit were not permitted entry (they were explicitly denied registration and refunded their registration fees), and neither were members of the … Read more

Surprising No One, “Revoice” Conference Pastor Comes Out As Queer

Chalk this up as a big fat surprise, but the controversial Revoice Conference host, Greg Johnson, came out as a homosexual yesterday in Christianity Today. The LGBT conference that was endorsed by ERLC research fellow, Karen Swallow Prior, and lauded by many evangelicals, refused to let in former homosexuals who had been converted to Christ. … Read more

Register Now: “God’s Voice Conference” to Counter Pro-LGBT “Revoice Conference.”

An upcoming conference hopes to provide an alternative to the “Queer Christian” Revoice Conference. In opposition to the hopeless views propagated at this year’s Revoice Conference, which was promoted by officials in two of America’s most conservative denominations, the Presbyterian Church of America and Southern Baptist Convention, the God’s Voice Conference will promote a Gospel … Read more

Despite Revoice “Gay Christians,” Crowds of Ex-Gays March to Celebrate Freedom from Sin

Yes, Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) is a sin. Clearly, Jesus taught that desires of the heart can be sinful and unlike heterosexual attraction, homosexual attraction can never be properly oriented or harnessed for the glory of God. SSA is a deviation of the natural, an offense to the supernatural, and an indication of an unconverted heart. … Read more

The Catholic Revoice: Drag Queens Pose with Priest at Church

Karen Swallow Prior, the feminist ERLC research fellow, isn’t the only faux-Christian leader posing with abominables on the red carpet. Apparently, signaling your virtue by posing with those whose lifestyles demonstrate their hatred of God has become in vogue. Fr. Fernando Báez from La Breña, Gran Canaria, Spain has made international news for posing in celebration … Read more