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“Traditionalist” Leader Resigns From Anti-Calvinism Group After Making Inappropriate Comment

Connect316 is a group of Southern Baptist pastors and leaders that essentially exists to oppose Calvinism in the denomination, holding to what they have termed “Traditionalism.” A historic misnomer, the doctrinal position held by Connect316 is a rather new and novel mediated position between Calvinism and Arminianism, subordinating God’s sovereignty to man’s Free Will while … Read more

Marx in Sheep’s Clothing

False teaching has entered the Church like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, masquerading as “Social Justice”, but bearing sharp teeth of division concealed behind puckered up lips. The wolf is intent to tear the Church apart, ripping and pulling wherever it can. It finds especially vulnerable issues wherever worldly culture has Christians thinking wrongly. Those … Read more

SBC Launches a Denominational Affirmative Action Database

To be very clear, the creation of a database of minority-status identity groups is the move of certain Social Justice Warriors within the SBC who have been enamored with the recent promotion of Rauschenbuschism by Southern Baptist entities, but the database creation is not an official move of any SBC entity in particular. Rather, the … Read more

Ed Stetzer Ignores the Voice of Black Christians

Ed Stetzer, the former vice-president of Lifeway, a professor at Wheaton College, director of the Billy Graham School of Social Justice Evangelism, and the interim pastor at Bible Moody Church, launched a Twitter-attack today against those who insist that there has been a demonstrable mission drift away from the Gospel recently, and toward the Social … Read more

Presbyterian Minister Blesses Planned Parenthood Clinic, Serves as Clinic Chaplain

Marvin Ellison is a Presbyterian minister. He is also the volunteer chaplain at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Portland, where he “blesses” the operation in prayer. Ellison wrote an op-ed in the Maine Press Herald… We’re proud to be part of a highly professional and highly caring health care team. Along with our Planned Parenthood … Read more

New Calvinists Consider Ecumenical Council on Racial Justice

Make no mistake about it. The Reformed Resurgence – the return of Calvinism back to prominence in western Christianity in the last few decades – has been co-opted and commandeered by leftists who have determined to use the movement to accomplish their progressive agenda. What the Communist Party once succeeded in doing in the American … Read more

What Other People Have Written About Beth Moore

On May 3rd, I published a piece entitled “A Letter Back to Beth Moore from Seth Dunn.”  This piece was published in response to a letter Beth Moore had written earlier that day about her struggles as a female Bible teacher and conference speaker in a male-dominated field.  She found no sympathy with me.  My … Read more

Southern Baptist Leader Makes “Crude” Comments About Underage Girl?

Speaking at the 2014 AWAKEN conference in Las Vegas, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Paige Patterson makes the following remarks: “About that time a very attractive co-ed walked by. And, uh, she wasn’t more than about 16, But [ahem] let me just say, she was nice.” See the video below and you decide:

Resolution to Leave Southern Baptist Convention

This was the resolution, passed unanimously, by the Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana. And with it, we remind ourselves of Spurgeon’s words… “We fear it is hopeless ever to form a society which can keep out men base enough to profess one thing and believe another; but it might be possible to make an … Read more


Pulpit & Pen undoubtedly believes that rite of Freemasonry is occultic, and therefore, people who claim to be Christians should, under no circumstances, be associated with this group or false gospel. Here you will find information concerning this cult, and links will be updated regularly. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. … Read more

Seth Dunn and The Masons: The Blackball Rolls Downhill

This entry is part 26 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

I was baptized at Tabernacle Baptist Church (TBC) in Cartersville, GA. I was married there. The church endorsed my application to seminary. My children have attended PreK there for two years. My parents are members. I attended Sunday services there on April 29th. On April 30th, I was informed that I am no longer allowed … Read more