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Evangelical Leftists Beg Trump to Help Illegal Aliens

Illegal immigration has become the most popular issue to talk about among evangelicals seeking to build a bridge between evangelicalism and America’s left. Conceding on the culture wars of abortion and gay marriage, these evangelical leaders can’t be found in the thick of it on those important religious issues, but are at the front of … Read more

This is Why We Call it The Social Gospel Coalition

The polemics term for this heresy is called Rauschenbuschism, named after its chief 20th-century proponent, Walter Rauschenbusch. You know the heresy as “Social Gospel,” and Rauschenbusch wrote the book, A Theology for the Social Gospel, in 1917. Rauschenbuschism teaches that the Gospel’s primary consequence on Earth is not the forgiveness of sins, but the solution … Read more

Don’t Panic. JD Greear is Not a Calvinist.

The heir-apparent candidacy of JD Greear for Southern Baptist president has the Arminians (who have taken the historically absurd title of “Traditionalists”) in a tizzy, with plagiarist, Richard Land, warning that there was a “war” coming over Calvinism in the SBC. Of course, there is not a war coming, because Calvinism (or some strange variant … Read more

Charismatic Prophetess Suggests Holy Spirit Flu Immunity

Charismatic Prophetess, wife of Kenneth Copeland, claims that the Holy Spirit will provide you with flu immunity. Gloria Copeland, who previously claimed her husband could control the weather, said that Christians don’t have a flu season. Copeland, misapplying Isaiah 53, claims that Jesus bore the flu for us on the cross. This is a common … Read more

SBC Voices Claims Russell Moore is a Conservative (lol)

Lol. That’s the response that is due the recent SBC Echoes post defending the former Democratic Staffer, animal rights activist, Martin Luther King celebrator, Cultural Marxist, illegal immigrant amnesty-supporter and George Soros partner, Russell Moore. In polemics there’s a term called “website orthodox,” and it’s a term with which anyone capable of entry-level discernment should … Read more

Greg Locke and the Two Buses

“I wouldn’t give Greg Locke dung if he was a blind tumble bug.“  Jimmy Hayden  It was January 8th and Alabama was losing 13-0 to Georgia at the half of the CFB National Championship game.  I had kind of, and quite foolishly, given up on the game.  Normally, I wouldn’t make a Pulpit & Pen related phone call (really any phone call) … Read more

The Evangelical Deep State, Part 2

Part One of this article was published on December 18, 2017. Over a month later, interest in the issues raised in the article remains high, and the questions over associations of evangelical leaders like Al Mohler, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Marvin Olasky continue to linger. Efforts to dismiss the well-documented findings as the “ramblings of … Read more

Is Homosexuality Really No Worse than Any Other Sin?

[Editor’s Note: This was written by Dr. Robert Gagnon] In my work on the Bible and homosexual practice I often encounter the argument that (1) no sin is any worse than any other sin; therefore (2) homosexual practice is no worse than any other sin.* Usually the comparison is then made with sins for which … Read more