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Peter S. Ruckman Murders Self, After Killing His Two Sons

Peter Ruckman was the founder of the Pensacola Bible Institute, an ardent Independent Fundamental Baptist and KJV-onliest. Ruckman passed away in April of 2016. Charisma Mag claimed today that Ruckman was an “anti-charismatic,” but in reality Ruckman was a Continuationist, believing that the King James Bible was a more sure and more perfect revelation than … Read more

Pope Says Capitalists and Doctrinal Purists Are “Neo-Pelagians”

Pelagianism began as a fourth-century heresy named after its founder, Pelagius. Chiefly, Pelagianism teaches that grace is not necessary in salvation and that even without God’s direct intervention, people may be saved. As we explain Pelagianism on our sister site, Polemics Report: Pelagius argued that Original Sin (the Fall of Mankind in Adam) did not … Read more

Greg Locke: American Pastor

Note: This article contains disturbing content and profane language. Reader discretion is advised.  Assertions about Greg Locke’s behavior are based upon the testimony of those interviewed. Last week, CNN featured Pastor Greg Locke and his church, Global Vision Bible Church, (GVBC) in a nationally televised segment about Donald Trump and his evangelical supporters in the … Read more

Voddie Baucham on the 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Be Nice

In this short clip, Voddie Baucham discusses the presumed 11th Commandment of evangelicalism, “Thou Shalt Be Nice.” On-topic, he laments culture’s unhealthy preoccupation of tone, especially in social media. “Christians today hold firmly to the 11th Commandment, and the 11th Commandment is, “Thou Shalt Be Nice,” and we don’t hold to the other ten.” “This … Read more

Post-Modernity And Accusations of Lying

I’ve been doing polemics since about 2010. Every time I think I’ve seen it all, I’m corrected by checking my news feed. As I’ve said since at least 2012, quoting Spurgeon, our Modern Day Downgrade has us “going downhill at breakneck speed.” Part of what Pulpit & Pen does (in fact, most of what Pulpit … Read more

Ed Stetzer Attacks National Rifle Association (NRA)

Ed Stetzer is the former Lifeway Vice President who was warned by Justin Peters that they were selling a Heaven Tourism book whose author had recanted it, and chose to continue profiting from the book anyway. When the story of Alex Malarkey’s Open Letter to Lifeway (his now-famous repudiation of the book written about him … Read more

Christian Joy Best for Charismatics and Not Cessationists, Says John Piper

Although once a popular figure among all stripes of Calvinist believers, John Piper’s increasing social justice activism and increasing charismaticism have largely reduced his popularity to that of The New Calvinists and, oddly enough, evangelicalism at large. Those who hold to the tenets of classical Reformed theology, however, have grown increasingly cautious of John Piper. … Read more

Billy Graham, America’s Pastor – Dead at age 99

ADDRESS CONDOLENCES TO: BILLY GRAHAM, AMERICA One of the world’s most well-known evangelists, Billy Graham died today at the age of 99.  He was so prominent and well known as an evangelist and servant of Christ Jesus that it seems superfluous to try to describe his notoriety by listing his accomplishments or citing facts about … Read more

Why Christians Don’t (and Won’t) Support Gun Control

Christians have a theological view of the world that is given us by the Holy Scriptures. Our epistemology, that is what we believe is true and why, is predicated upon our conviction that the 66 books known as the ‘Holy Bible’ is inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and true. In the overarching worldview through which we see … Read more

Parents Lose Custody For Refusing Child Sex-Change

While reparative therapy – the notion that homosexuality or gender dysphoria is a disorder that can be treated with clinical psychological help – has been widely rejected by evangelicals, the secular world has gone even further in their insistence that such mental and spiritual issues must be embraced with permanent disfigurement. Such is the case … Read more

Southern Baptists Fight to Continue Chain Migration

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is the progressive-leftist lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, currently run by former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore. Moore, who serves on the George Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table, has released the ERLC priorities for immigration reform, and has committed to helping continue chain migration in the United States. … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Promotes Illegal Immigration

Karen Swallow Prior is a radical animal rights activist who believes animals go to Heaven because naming them gives them personhood, says she’s more upset over animal abuse than abortion, says abortion isn’t murder and calling it such is unchristlike, promoted erotic gay literature, and has attended gay fundraisers and uses gay-affirming language. She calls … Read more

Charismatic Prophetess Claims She Killed Flu Demons With Sword, and 2018 Flu Season Over

Earlier in the week, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) prophetess, Gloria Copeland, “bound the spirit” the of the flu and instructed her listeners to not get the flu shot because they had already been inoculated by the Holy Spirit. Copeland claimed, citing Isaiah 53 and its various paraphrases in the New Testament, that Jesus took the … Read more