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Celebrating the Faith of Confederate General, Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Forrest was not a man that Samuel Montgomery wanted his niece to marry. In the early 1840’s when this young Tennessean appeared in Hernando, Mississippi to court Mary Ann Montgomery, her Uncle Sam tried to discourage him. Mary Ann’s father had died and Samuel, a Presbyterian minister, was her closest male guardian, and … Read more

SBC’s Top Executive, Frank Page, Resigns Amidst Adultery Confession

Frank Page has been the president and chief executive officer (CEO) of the Southern Baptist Convention’s executive committee since 2010, a position in which he overseen hundreds of millions of Cooperative Program dollars . He also served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention (2006-2008) and Vice President of the North American Mission Board (2009-2010). … Read more

Is a Corrupt Globalist Billionaire Influencing America’s Reformed Community?

[Editor’s Note: This is part 1 in a series that will explain how James Riady, a corrupt and felonious Globalist financier, is influencing America’s Reformed community. Part 1 will give a brief overview of Riady’s past, continued corruption and problematic leftist ties, and explain Riady’s influence over American Reformed leaders and American religious institutions] INTRODUCTION … Read more

A Pastor Repents of Freemasonry

This entry is part 20 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following testimony was provided by a former Freemason: My name is Richard Mann. I am a native of Clarksville, Tennessee. I am member of Pleasant View Baptist Church. I am an ordained Southern Baptist Minster. I am a former member of Queen City Masonic Lodge No. 761. Conviction from the Holy Spirit caused me to leave … Read more

Are Catholic Francis Critics Becoming Protestant? Priest Prays Imprecatory Prayer Against Pope Francis

In a startling move, a Romanist priest has preached a homily in which he relayed an imprecatory prayer for Pope Francis, contingent upon Francis’ obedience to God. An imprecatory prayer is a statement to God asking for judgment upon another individual. The word, “imprecate,” is a verb that means, “to invoke harm upon or curse.” … Read more

Polemics Reclamation Project: Malleus Maleficarum

The Polemics Reclamation Project is a slow and steady attempt by Pulpit & Pen to reclaim various historic documents important to the theological field of polemics. Many times, these documents are only available on microfiche or in a foreign tongue and must be put into English or modern type. Other times, the documents are available in more obscure … Read more

Gospel Coalition Article Says Football is Unchristian

In between promoting Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and venerating a human sex trafficker and homosexual (Martin Luther King Junior – for links on this subject, click here and here and here and here), how does The “Gospel” Coalition spend it’s time? Well, it’s busy telling us that contact sports, in particular, professional football, is … Read more

Beth Moore Says Fighting Donald Trump is A Fight for the Faith

Beth Moore, who is a wildly popular female Bible teacher heavily promoted in evangelical circles and aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Lifeway Christian Resources, has steadily been opposing President Donald Trump since his presidential primary. She is not on record ever having opposed President Barack Obama. Moore, who claims to hear audibly from God … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Calls Roman Catholicism “Full-Blooded Version of Christianity”

Frankly, I don’t know why The ‘Gospel’ Coalition lets women write for their blog who don’t seem qualified to operate from behind the curtain in a children church’s puppet ministry. I assume it has something to do with their bleeding-heart, kinder, gentler, limp-wristed form of “sophisticated” Christianity that probably insists on a gender inclusion quota. … Read more

Three Facts About the Clayton Jennings Crusade!

Today  (March 12th 2018) is a big day for Clayton Jennings and his many followers.  For months Jennings has been planning and promoting the launch of his 2018 revival crusade.  The 30-year-old evangelist, author, poet, husband and father has scheduled  52 dates.  The first of which will be in Nashville, TN.  Thousands have waited with … Read more

On Mahaney’s Withdraw from TFG Conference and SGM Abuse Allegations

Sovereign Grace Ministries is an evangelical mega-church comprised of numerous campuses and churches throughout the United States, with branches in Australia, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Great Britain, Germany, and Mexico. Once known as “People of Destiny International,” the group began to call itself “Sovereign Grace Ministries” in 2003. Started by a “Charismatic Catholic,” Larry Tomczak, the organization … Read more

Benchmark Church and the Sunk Costs of Supporting Greg Locke

I hung up the phone with Benjamin Blankenship on Sunday night agitated. Blankenship is the pastor of Benchmark Church in Oliver Springs, TN. This Thursday he is to feature the disgraced preacher Greg Locke as a headline speaker at the revival services at his church. I informed Blankenship that Locke was divorcing his wife against … Read more