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From the Lodge to Christ: A Worshipful Master Finds Freedom

This entry is part 25 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following testimony was submitted by former Masonic Worshipful Master, Daniel Latham.  Please pray for Daniel, who may face backlash for sharing insider truth about Freemasonry. My name is Danny Latham, I am a Christian, I currently attend a Southern Baptist Church in Northern Kentucky and I am a veteran of the United States Army.  … Read more

First Person: Freemasons Ask Pulpit & Pen Contributor to Leave Event

This entry is part 24 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Saturday morning, I showed up at the Cartersville Soccer Complex with a Bible, tracts, and a cooler full of Gatorade. The complex was the starting point of the Bartow County Masonic Association 5K. To my knowledge the soccer complex (as well as the adjacent Sam Smith Park) is public property. I set up in a … Read more

A Good Man: My Father the Freemason

This entry is part 22 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following is the personal testimony of Pulpit & Pen administrator Tim Weakley.   My father died last year.  He was born into a generation that did not have television, the internet, or cell phones, a time when only a wealthy person might have a telephone in his house.  In my father’s day, entertainment came … Read more

Southern Baptists and their (Tainted) Reports on Freemasonry, 1993-2000

This entry is part 21 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Pulpit & Pen will be writing much on Freemasonry in coming days, weeks and months. If all goes well, we plan on hosting a conference on the topic in the Atlanta area. I’ll let P&P contributor, Seth Dunn, talk more about his church excommunicating him for little more than teaching and warning about Freemasonry. Let … Read more

Dr. Michael Brown in Full Damage Control Mode After NAR Debate

Dr. Michael Brown refers to the New Apostolic Reformation (commonly known by the acronym, NAR) as the “so-called NAR.” As virtually anyone with basic reading comprehension can easily know, NAR exists. It hasn’t been a secret. Although its name has been changed over the years, there is no doubt that the New Apostolic Reformation was … Read more

Don’t Be Gay for Jesus: Understand Why the “Bride-Groom” Metaphor Doesn’t Work for Individuals

Okay, men. We need to have a talk. Stop being gay. We have already had to have a talk with the ladies, explaining to them that Jesus is not their husband. One would think that it’s the fairer sex who might mistake Jesus’ agape love for eros, but no. After all, the bride-groom analogy in … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Tells White Evangelicals No Reconciliation Without “Owning” Their Complicit Racism

In the latest video from Thabiti Anyabwile at The Gospel Coalition, he mirrors his statements from two weeks ago that white people are complicit in the murder of Dr. King. Anyabwile’s real name is Ron Burns. Burns took the name “Thabiti Anyabwile – he says – to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. A product … Read more

Conservative Evangelicals Walk Out During Wheaton’s Marxist Brain Trust Meeting

Pulpit & Pen reported on Tuesday that evangelical leftists, some of whom are financial recipients of globalist financiers, George Soros and James Riady, recently gathered at Wheaton College to game-plan how to turn evangelicalism to the hard left. Our reporting, as usual, was proven accurate as several attendees at the invitation-only event left the venue … Read more

Marxist Brain Trust Gathers at Wheaton to Discuss Moving Evangelicals Left

It’s no secret that the Communist Party intentionally infiltrated the so-called “black church” (an abominable term indeed, in a Biblical worldview that refuses to view people through a racial construct, which is forbidden in places like Galatians 3:28, Romans 3:29, Colossians 3:11) during the Civil Rights Movement. This historic reality has been written about in … Read more

God Determines How We Do Church

Today’s modern American Evangelical church is often an example of how we should NOT be “doing” church. Church leaders, Pastors, and Elders have often transformed how the church is done to capitulate to society. Sacrificing what should be done for what is popular and crowd-pleasing.  Paul Washer addresses the topic of how Christians should be … Read more

A Great Evil in Our Day – Child Sex Trafficking

From Penn State to Omaha Nebraska and many points in between, the abuse and exploitation of children is one of our nation’s biggest sins. The associations run deep and like all things the cover-up enables and empowers the offenders. We needn’t look further than the heinous activity and light sentencing of Wall Street mogul Jeffrey … Read more

2018 SBC Pastors’ Conference is Affirmative Action in Action, with Predictable Result

For some, it was a big deal that H.B. Charles was elected the first Black president of the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference, which precedes the annual convention meeting each summer. Charles is the pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, and is a council member for The Gospel Coalition. The Baptist Press called his … Read more

The SBC Should Not Want Black Leadership

The Southern Baptist Convention should not want black leadership. The very idea is doctrinally bothersome, theologically incoherent, ethnically untenable, and morally perverse. After the MLK50 veneration conference, hosted by The Social Gospel Coalition and the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Southern Baptists are calling for the white-guilted apologies offered to the world on … Read more

Grace Community Church Venue CANCELED for Gospel Coalition Conference

Developing: Grace Community Church (GCC), home congregation of Pastor John MacArthur, has canceled the church property and facilities as a venue for the West Coast Gospel Coalition Conference. John MacArthur and leadership at GCC have faced increasing criticism in recent days from many who are critical of the problematic theological trajectory of The Gospel Coalition. … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Says All Whites Are Complicit in Murdering Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ron Burns changed his name to Thabiti Anyabwile to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. When he converted from Christianity to Islam and then from Islam back to social-justice Christianity, Anyabwile continued to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement and kept his name. Today, Anyabwile – a protege of Mark Dever – is a favorite … Read more