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Beth Moore is Still Being Abused by Men, And it Should Stop

BETH MOORE, ABUSE VICTIM During the media outrage caused by the fake allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Beth Moore came forward as a victim of sexual abuse. Using the #whyididn’treport hashtag, Moore said, “He lived in my house.” Immediately, Moore began to receive the positive accolades of the evangelical leftist elite who would have been content … Read more

Evangelical SJWs and LGBT Successfully Teamed Up to Get Tech Giants to ‘Demonetize” P&P

Social Justice Warriors associated with The Gospel Coalition and ‘woke’ evangelicalism have teamed up with the LGBT lobby to get tech giants, Google and Amazon, to demonetize Pulpit & Pen by flagging it as ‘hate speech.’ Pulpit & Pen is not the first conservative news and/or commentary outlet to be censored by the technocracy. Praeger … Read more

Gospel Coalition Editor, Southern Baptist Official, Calls For Impeachment of Trump

A prominent official with two power evangelical organizations is calling for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. These two organizations, The Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) share a good deal of the same board members and contributors. Both organizations are funded heavily by … Read more

Is The Gospel Coalition Editor, Joe Carter, a Shameless Racist?

In a shocking turn of events, three-year-old words from Joe Carter have resurfaced that self-impugn him of racism. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization designed to infiltrate evangelicalism for the sake of pushing the demographic leftward. Carter is also the ‘Communications Specialist’ at the SBC’s wildly progressive Ethics and … Read more

Joe Carter’s Attack on “Cultural Marxism” Term Likely Borrowed from Southern Poverty Law Center

Joe Carter, a contributor at both The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), yesterday blamed the tragic San Diego synagogue shooting on kinism (a philosophy we’ll describe below). Likewise, Carter claimed that kinism is to blame for the term Cultural Marxism, and argues that anyone using the term is complicit … Read more

Pope Francis Funding U.S. Border Invasion

Religious elitists around the world are doing everything within their power to dismantle national sovereignty and set up a global state. Russell Moore, perhaps the most prominent Southern Baptist in America’s largest protestant denomination, just released a book in partnership with George Soros, advocating amnesty for illegal aliens. And Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome, … Read more

ERLC Council Member Says Christians are “Wolves” for Criticizing Beth Moore, Sam Allberry

Dave Miller wants to pink slip the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) because it’s a waste of money, serves no necessary purpose, and takes money away from real missions. Scratch that. Dave Miller wanted to pink slip the ERLC. After years of flattering servility, the soft-handed and paunch-swollen potluck-driven professional sycophant from Sioux City, … Read more

An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin

This is an open letter to Southern Baptists who continue to support the Cooperative Program and fund its grievous errors. That caveat, in italics, is important. I wrote this as an email to a Southern Baptist pastor and I’m making it available as an open letter to all Southern Baptists who spit upon the Bible’s … Read more

Southwest Baptist Alumni Disagree with ‘Official’ Report, Believe Faculty IS Heretical

In December, P&P reported that Southwest Baptist University, a Southern Baptist and Missouri Baptist Convention-affiliated school located in Bolivar, Missouri, had fired a professor for objecting to heresy. Clint Bass had been asked by officials in the Missouri Baptist Convention to research and report the theological leanings of fellow faculty because there were many reports … Read more

Why Social Justice is an Attack on the Local Church

There is no question as to exactly from where the new emphasis on Social Justice is coming from in American Evangelicalism. Whatever you want to say about Social Justice, whatever your position, and however you feel about it, you must acknowledge that the emphasis on righting perceived cultural wrongs as a new addendum to the … Read more

SEBTS Says White Ministers Shouldn’t Pastor Mixed-Ethnicity Churches

Cultural Marxism takes various forms and goes by various names, including Critical Race Theory, Multiculturalism, and Intersectionality. Essentially, it all has the same underlying purpose, which is to cause division. Economic Marxism sought to cause division between the classes and pit the proletariat against the borgeouis to bring political change. Cultural Marxism, the kind and … Read more

Believe in the Baptists: Conquering Social Justice Through the Pews

It’s with much respect I write these words to my friends who are fellow co-belligerents against the Social Justice juggernaut in evangelicalism. I write this to help encourage you to employ a successful strategy in realigning our churches to the Gospel and away from the mission drift of social religion. To make the case for … Read more

Whitest Member of ERLC Leadership Council Accuses SBC of Racism

A new member of the ERLC Leadership Council is now accusing his own denomination of racism because there hasn’t been enough “minority interviews” for open entity positions. Dave Miller single-handedly turned his blog of run-of-the-mill Southern Baptist pastors, SBC Voices, into a fully-woke Social Justice blog. Following the cue of popular evangelical leaders and continuing … Read more