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Anthony Bradley: The Evolution of a Race-Baiter

Anthony Bradley is a professor of religious studies at The Kings College (New York), and chair of the Religious and Theological Studies Department. He is also the Director for the Center of Human Flourishing (the social department) at the institution and is a research fellow for the Action Institute. The Kings College, located in Manhattan, … Read more

Russell Moore Silent on Trump’s Defense of the Unborn

Russell Moore attacked Donald Trump so vehemently and relentlessly during the presidential primary (Moore had the entire ERLC turned into a shameless Rubio PAC), that Trump referred to him as a “very nasty guy with no heart.” Perhaps Trump knew that Moore, even then, was a financial partner of George Soros. Regardless, it seems that … Read more

Phil Johnson Digs In…But is Still Wrong.

I appreciate Phil Johnson attempting to do what no others have done, which is to try to defend perceived inconsistencies of Dallas Statement signers for criticizing Social Justice and marking it as grievous teaching while refusing to mark its proponents and continuing to partner with them. All others, up to this point, have flatly rejected … Read more

Russell Moore Joins With Nancy Pelosi to Address Liberal Organization

Russell Moore speaking alongside Nancy Pelosi really isn’t a stretch of the imagination. Moore, a former Democractic staffer, has done everything in his power to be as fierce a critic of President Trump as the Speaker of the House. From calling a border wall a “Golden Calf” to serving on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table, … Read more

Top Evangelical Leaders Call For Amnesty to ‘End Government Shutdown’

[Reformation Charlotte] In the midst of a federal government shutdown, progressive Evangelical leaders from several entities wrote an open letter to President Trump urging him to compromise on conservative ideas and work in a “bipartisan” way to end the government shutdown. The letter was penned by the George Soros-funded  Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), which is signed by several … Read more

Russell Moore Takes Pelosi’s Side, Urges Trump to Give Away Your Taxes to Foreign Countries Amidst Shutdown

President Donald J. Trump is resisting pressure to sign a Democrat-led House bill that would end the government shut-down but wouldn’t fund the border wall and would instead use tax dollars to fund abortions overseas. Russell Moore has recently joined with 24 other “faith leaders” to urge the president to not cut foreign welfare no … Read more

Why the Migrant Caravan Children Have Terrible Parents

  The Bible has some very harsh things to say about those who put children in harm’s way. For those who are attempting to illegally enter the United States sovereign territory, in disrespect and contempt for the rule of law, any harm that comes to their children is the consequence of their own sin and … Read more

Russell Moore’s Immigration Policy Partner Kicked Out of Turkey in Terrorism Probe

Russell Moore’s immigration policy partner and financier, George Soros, has been run out of Turkey after it was uncovered that the globalist billionaire supported the attempted coup d’etat of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This isn’t the first time that Soros has been run out of a nation after using his vast fortune to undermine a … Read more

Support the Book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America”

Pulpit & Pen has been at the forefront of observing and reporting on the intentional take-over of American evangelicalism for years. P&P has broken story after story, report after report, that has been a necessary tool in today’s battle for the American church. The book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America” will continue … Read more

Russell Moore Suggests Renaming SBTS Chapel after Albert Mohler

Russell Moore, the most prominent protege of Albert Mohler, wants to rename the chapel at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Mohler Chapel.” Moore is a communitarian, leftist and social justice advocate in the vein of Sojourner’s Jim Wallis, with whom he serves on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table. Moore has done more to push a radical globalist … Read more

The Biblical Answer to Migrant Caravan is Bombs and Bullets

The Biblical solution to the migrant caravan preparing to invade the United States includes bombs and bullets. As a pastor and theologian, the answer is clear to me. A nation has a right to sovereign borders. The invasion of sovereign borders by those who are not permitted therein should be met with judicial force. To … Read more

Tim Keller, Russell Moore, Trying to Move Christians Into Democrat Party Fold

POLITICAL SUBVERSION MOVING CHRISTIANS INTO DEMOCRAT PARTY FOLD [Thirty Pieces of Silver] Midterm elections demonstrate that the classic battle lines are being redrawn among Evangelical voters. Ongoing and concerted efforts through American conservative Christian seminaries, churches and secular mainstream media are intensifying to reshape the foundations and convictions which drive the Evangelical vote. Leadership continues … Read more

Video: Matt Chandler is Hip. He’s ‘With it.’

Matt Chandler is ‘woke.’ The charismatic-pentecostal who masquerades for some reason as a Baptist is a leading figure of the hyper-sensitive, beta male, evangelical snowflake leadership guild. Once considered theologically serious, Chandler is now widely thought of as a grossly compromised spiritual leader whose theology is little better than the average of what you might … Read more

Russell Moore Compares ‘Social Justice Statement’ Signers to Racists, Bigots

Frankly, Russell Moore started this whole mess. The left-of-center Communitarian, former Democratic staffer, George Soros acolyte and social progressive leader of the Southern Baptist’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) mainstreamed Critical Race Theory and Cultural Marxism among the once-conservative demographic of the SBC and “Reformed” evangelicalism through his MLK50 event earlier this year. Venerating … Read more